Treat Homeless like Srtay Dogs with Rabibes

Dealing with Homeless People

Homelessness is an extremely complex social problem that impacts the quality of life in our community.  There are no easy solutions.  The SDPD and elected officials in the County and City recognize that there is a fine line between homelessness as a social issue and a criminal issue.  Many homeless are on the street because of substance abuse, mental illness, or both.  Often the disorder issues associated with homelessness are criminal in nature but difficult to enforce.  To assist the City and County provide better service to this “at risk” population the SDPD has created the Homeless Outreach Team (HOT).  The team consists of police officers, County Health and Human Services specialists, and psychiatric clinicians from the Psychiatric Emergency Response Team (PERT), a private non-profit organization.  The HOT is available to assist the community with homeless related issues.  Its phone number is (858) 490-3850.

While being homeless is not a crime, many kinds of public conduct are illegal and should be reported to the SDPD.  These include being intoxicated, loitering, prowling, fighting, trespassing, aggressive panhandling, soliciting, urinating and defecating, consuming alcoholic beverages in certain public places, camping or sleeping in parks, littering, obstructing sidewalks, living in a vehicle parked on a public street, disturbing the peace by loud and unreasonable noises, using offensive words, behaving in a threatening manner, etc.

Citizen’s Arrest

Because many of the crimes involving homeless people are misdemeanors, a police officer can only arrest a person if the offense is committed in his presence.  However, a person who witnesses the offense can make a citizen’s arrest by doing the following:

  • Call the SDPD and provide details of the offense.  Call 911 if it is an emergency, i.e., if the crime is in progress or about to happen, and involves serious personal injury, property damage, or property loss.  Otherwise call (619) 531-2000 or (858) 484-3154, the SDPD non-emergency number.
  • When an officer arrives to take physical custody of the suspect, sign the arrest form stating that the offense was committed in your presence and that the officer is lawfully making the arrest.  You must also be willing to appear and testify in court.

Note that you do not have to physically take the suspect into custody.  For your safety, such action is discouraged by the SDPD.

Avoiding Problems

The following tips will help you avoid problems with homeless people.

  • Talk to the SDPD Community Relations Officer (CRO) in your area about any problems with homeless people and if warranted, file a Letter of Agency with your local Area Station. This letter authorizes the SDPD to enter your property to investigate suspicious activity and to arrest people who are trespassing or committing a crime. A copy of this form can be downloaded from the FORMS section of this website. Note that is form must be renewed every six months. SDPD Area Station addresses and phone numbers are listed under IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD on this website.
  • If you do file a Letter of Agency you should also post NO TRESPASSING signs stating that a Letter of Agency has been filed with the SDPD and giving the address of the property, the name and phone number of the property owner or manager, and the non-emergency SDPD phone number to report suspicious activities, which is (619) 531-2000. The signs should be at least 18 by 24 inches in size, have a font visible from the nearest public street, not be accessible to vandals, and be posted on the entrances and spaced evenly on the boundaries of the property. A sample sign is also available in the FORMS section of this website.
  • Avoid confrontations and maintain a safe distance.  Use caution is dealing with them.
  • Do not offer food or money.  It may encourage more panhandling.  If you are inclined to help the homeless, it is better to contribute to local charities, missions, food banks, or social service organizations that assist the needy.
  • Do not permit anyone to camp or loiter on your property.
  • Do not allow anyone to store shopping carts, bedding, or other personal belongings on your property.
  • Restrict access to sidewalk overhangs, alcoves, or other areas protected from inclement weather.
  • Lock or remove handles from water spigots.
  • Keep trash dumpsters locked when not being filled or emptied.
  • Secure outside storage sheds or containers.
  • Lock or turn off exterior power outlets.
  • Lock gates after hours.
  • Install motion-activated exterior lighting after hours.
  • Trim landscaping to eliminate hiding places.  Canopies of mature trees should be maintained at least 8 feet above the ground.  Bushes should be trimmed to less than 3 feet except where privacy or environmental noise mitigation is a primary concern, or where higher plants would not block any views, lighting, or camera coverage, or provide hiding places.
  • Keep property free of trash, litter, junk, etc.
  • Use graffiti-resistant paint or anti-graffiti coatings on the sides of the building and any other design features that could be vandalized.  (The San Diego Park and Recreation Dept. specifies the use of Vandlguard TEN non-sacrificial anti-graffiti coating with a three-coat system by RainGuard International or the equivalent on park furnishings and buildings.)  Additional protection can be obtained by planting vines, bushes, etc. along the sides of the buildings.  They help keep vandals away from the walls and cover areas that might otherwise be vandalized.  Report graffiti and other vandalism, and clean up promptly after the officers have taken pictures, etc.
  • Design public amenities to discourage misuse, e.g., shape benches and other seating to be comfortable for sitting but not for sleeping.
  • Have plants at sidewalk level.  If raised planter boxes are used, the sides should be at least 4 feet high or their tops should uncomfortable for seating, e.g., by making them very narrow, allowing plants to grow over them, etc.
  • Establish, post, and enforce rules of conduct for public use of private property.  Include signs of nighttime curfews and prohibitions of loitering, illegal lodging, drinking alcoholic beverages, drug activities, etc.  The signs should state that persons engaged in prohibited conduct will be asked to leave the property, and that failure to cease the conduct or leave the property will result in a call to the SDPD.
  • Install surveillance cameras to cover public areas.  Have security personnel monitor these cameras and ask persons engaged in prohibited conduct to leave the property.  Security personnel should also patrol the property at random times.
  • If security personnel are not available or if it is not practical to monitor the cameras all the time, install video analytics or intelligent video software in your camera system.  It will alert you when something suspicious occurs. Lights could be turned on at night when motion is detected, and audio announcements could warn trespassers that the police would be called if they do not leave the property immediately.
  • If signs stating that security or surveillance cameras are installed are posted and the cameras are not monitored all the time, the sign should also include that caveat.  This is important in keeping people from having a false sense of security and expecting help in the event they are attacked.

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First Amendment – Religion and Expression. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;

501.c.3 Income Tax is a law respecting an establishment of religion, For prohibiting the free exercise thereof; A Religion can not exist in the Corporate United States Without a IRS 501.c.3 TAX NUMBER!

or abridging the freedom of speech, Police Shoot Protesters!

Remember Occupy Wall Street?

or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Hey, Jethro! I was RAISED in BOONE COUNTY, ARKANSAS, about 35 Miles From “Al Capps’ Dogpatch USA!” You are DUMBER than a PET ROCK!

Here is your DUMB AS A PET ROCK thinking: A Dangerous Radical Subversive Idea That We Liberals Advocate (The First Amendment – Religious Freedom) Hey, all you intolerant narrow and small minded reactionary bigots – the way I heard it, like everybody else in this great nation, President Barack Hussein Obama can worship (or not worship) whatever concept of God or participate in whatever theology or sacred gathering and pray in whatever holy places that he might choose, if any or not at all. The pit vipers who conceived this lethal liberal notion (gasp! wear garlic around your necks!) were threats to U.S. national security like Thomas Jefferson in 1789. That revolutionary subversive document has endangered the United States of America ever since those vile liberal deep thinkers wrote the Bill of Rights. Here is a LITTLE MORE from the SEWER OF YOUR REPROBATE mindlessness! For one concrete example, I once read of a very rich Texas oil man (name now forgotten) who, told that certain Saudi royals would only deal with fellow Muslims, immediately formally converted to Islam. Another example is the nameless (for security reasons) CIA spymaster in Langley who, several years after having seen fir to convert to Islam, ordered SEAL Team Six to kill Bin Laden. Given Bin Laden’s documented kidney problems and consequent need for dialysis, government officials, heads of state and counterterrorism experts have repeatedly opined that Osama Bin Laden has in fact been dead for some time. These assertions are based on Bin Laden’s failing health in late 2001 and visible signs of his deteriorating condition, as well as actual reports of his death from the same time frame. In July of 2001, Osama Bin Laden was flown to the American Hospital in Dubai for kidney treatment. According to French intelligence sources, he was there met by the local CIA attache. When the agent bragged about his encounter to friends later, he was promptly recalled to Washington. On the eve of September 11, Osama Bin Laden was staying in a Pakistani military hospital under the watchful eye of Pakistan’s ISI, the Pakistani equivalent of the CIA with deep ties to the American intelligence community. In October 2001, Bin Laden appeared in a videotape wearing army fatigues and Islamic headdress, looking visibly pale and gaunt. In December of 2001, another videotape was released, this time showing a seriously ill Bin Laden who was seemingly unable to move his left arm. Then on December 26, 2001, Fox News reported on a Pakistan Observer story that the Afghan Taliban had officially pronounced Osama Bin Laden dead earlier that month. According to the report, he was buried less than 24 hours later in an unmarked grave in accordance with Wahabbist Sunni practices. What followed was a string of pronouncements from officials affirming what was already obvious: supposedly living in caves and bunkers in the mountainous pass between Afghanistan and Pakistan, Osama would have been deprived of the dialysis equipment that he required to live. On January 18, 2002, Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf announced quite bluntly: “I think now, frankly, he is dead.” That’s the real complex world we wicked progressives infest, Imperial Wizard. Now get a life. Signed, A WASP With No Desire for Islamic Beliefs Whatever, But Who Respects All Faiths and Creeds

Student Robbery Company alias Student Loans Company: Rothschild Bank/UK Government buy Channel

LEES and Bowden Videos: The Fraud Empires that have the world in Chaos.‎ > ‎

Paterson & Lees: the archive on Geopolitical, Religious Fraud, Central Banking, Fascism, Narcotics, and War Crimes.
John has dedicated his life to exposing the threats to world peace and prosperity.  For years he has quietly absorbed the facts and in the last 6 weeks he has become pivotal as a breaking news vent to explain why police funding and jobs are tumbling in favour of private security companies.  He understands now the masterplan that the G8-G20 governments act out. How it interlocks with warmongering the issuance of money (the violent/genocidal control of central banks globally and the vital importance of manipulating the press and the politicians by coercion).  It is centuries old but now has every country in a sovereign debt crisis: debt with interest to the private owners of our beautiful “democratic” world.  See my home page/Introduction.  If you are worried about your job, your pension, your savings, your property, your pay freeze, your children’s debt burden and the dirty tricks warmongering in innocent countries by the G20 munitions grandees then just listen to the videos below then find out your local politicians role in the money trail THEFT PROJECT that is INTERNATIONAL POLITICS & USURY for private gain.
     If the title is offensive because of your deep seated beliefs then you will begin to realise how clever the tyrannical, mind controlling strategies are….they explain all martyrs, missions, genocides, holocausts and ECONOMIC Crises….which are cleverly engineered.  So scan down till you see something that impacts on your immediate future.  If you are a specialist or have a conscience about something that happened in your region which is undermining decent society then please get in touch and we can make a video that will shame your local leaders into acting on behalf of the electorate and global taxpayers.  The mistake they made is teaching us to read and write and all religious worshippers/denominations (are driven by morals and adherence to the same rules that are broken by all NOBEL peace laureates, Prime Ministers and Presidents).  Decency and open communication will fix it quickly….SO PLEASE GET IN TOUCH.
In this video (24/7/2014) we discuss the religious frauds exposed by Abelard Reuchlin and the vicious 2000 year old joke which is the Christianity fraud.  Written and encoded by the PISO family (hence the expression to take the PISS) using Pythagorean numbers….Faking the New Testament:
             A masterplan for geo-political domination.  We discuss how recently the Garden of ADEN (a British Colonial oil hub fr the BP plant at the Gulf of ADEN) joke was embedded into the christian texts….we discuss the importance of reading and writing (in hebrew, yiddish and in the canaan region where AMEN was spawned based on Amenemhat III an ancient Egyptian Pharaoh) Reading and writing: Just one very profitable book! AMEN  Then we reveal the cynical truth about the jokes around the names and intials of the authors who were Roman Jews and how clever the biblical texts are but how vicious the jokes still are … that commoners can read and write (only since 1914) the secrets are out as the authors new would happen….Kalpurrnius Piso (KP: associated with Kevin Peterson, Kenyon Products, KP nuts, Kenyon supermarket terror, pussy cat (PURR) tigers, Kenyan Supermarket terror, Katy Perry has become the basis for elite jokes in the clergy , the papacy and the elite medias, racegoing, golfing , masonic sectors.   It is ever so childish…..there is a god and when the new testament was released in 79 AD vesuvius exploded onto the piso’s Villa Papyrii in Herculaneum (Naples/Pompeii).
                 Much more recently it has become apparent that YEMEN was the GARDEN OF ADEN and the elites laugh at even the killing of both JFK (funeral music “The Barren Rocks of Aden”) and the scanning tool for google maps which uses the acronym NOAA. listen to our chat and look at the image of the gulf of Aden and you will understand TAKING THE PISS/Michael (the name of the Jewish Angel)
THE RELIGIOUS FRAUD: The faking of the new Testament by KALPURRNIUS PISO and Roman Jewish Elites: a mind control and profiteering Masterplan
TAKING THE PISS IN THE GARDEN OF ADEN (YEMEN) and google map of the Yemen produced by NOAA
Here we reveal 5 years of years of Conservative fraud (which took over from a decade of New Labour Genocide: the financial frauds focussed on by Gordon Bowden and George Lees are concomittant with the brutalisation of innocent countries)……the networks take you right to the top of Society.  Philip Hammond replaced the disgraced and corrupted william Hague yesterday but here we talk about how the leadership teams have no honest men to choose from when which is why all governments are hand picked to steal from global citizens.  George Lees has not heard of HINZE before but his manipulation and greed is unforgettable as Gordon re-affirms on the page above. All of the financial scams are undermining savings, pensions, investments and, of course, all public sector/democratic initiatives.  All related to the privately owned issuance of money and the frauds we describe daily
Liam Fox, David Cameron, Chinook Killings, Philip Hammond: munitions SCANDALS involving the Cabinet (all parties), the PM, the Rothschilds and the monarchy

The Best Hotel on Skid Row Los Angeles, California (Charles Bukowsky)

The Best Hotel on Skid Row Los Angeles, California (Charles Bukowsky)

The Best Hotel on Skid Row Los Angeles, California


Published on Jul 28, 2017

I have watched this and thought it should be on You Tube, It is on Dailymotion and, as public …so I actually lived at the Union Rescue, the Los Angeles Mission, the Midnight Mission, Gravy Joes mission and the one across from it, in the 1980’s and 70’s. I remember $35.00 a week, and on SSI you got the Monthly Rate, but in 1983 I was having seizures, lost my check, and spent a few months on the streets, or “Musical Missions” as we called it. Seriously, you spent so many hours Waiting Waiting to get a Duckit Dukit, a Pass to Eat Supper and Get a Bed or Chair. As soon as my halth got better I moved to palmdale.

Donald Trump cuts off funding! SKID ROW: West Coast Wall StreetThe Real Skid Row: WEST COAST WALL STREET
Donald Trump slashes funding – Department of Housing & Urban Development funds cut off! Meals on Wheels, housing assistance & community programs eliminated!Over $3 billion in funding for homeless and poor communities CUT from federal budget. See the real lives of these people and hear their stories…

What its like in the nation’s toughest ghetto – what would you do if you came here? What would you do to try and fix it? What do these people need or deserve?
Your opinion counts!
Please watch, SHARE, and leave your comments!

Los Angeles California Skid Row – the story of Tent Town. An in depth look at the nation’s drug problem and emotional stories from real people living on Skid Row.

The Best Hotel on Skid Row Los Angeles, California

Boxcar Johnny
Boxcar Johnny1 month ago
I have watched this and thought it should be on You Tube, It is on Dailymotion and, as public …so I actually lived at the Union Rescue, the Los Angeles Mission, the Midnight Mission, Gravy Joes mission and the one across from it, in the 1980’s and 70’s. I remember $35.00 a week, and on SSI you got the Monthly Rate, but in 1983 I was having seizures, lost my check, and spent a few months on the streets, or “Musical Missions” as we called it. Seriously, you spent so many hours Waiting Waiting to get a Duckit Dukit, a Pass to Eat Supper and Get a Bed or Chair. As soon as my halth got better I moved to palmdale.
william helm3 weeks ago
A brief look at the past (Well done) and the Music is the perfect ‘Accent’ for this documentary !!

Eric J. Montoya2 months ago
F.Y.I Sideburns passed away in late 1993 (Suicide over failing health/loneliness)

Newt Sangster1 month ago
My twin brother had everything going for him. One day he decided he wanted to be homeless. He ran off to L.A. to bum the streets and donate blood for money. This is the life he wanted and he never complained.

Boxcar Johnny weeks ago
Newt Sangster…In the 1960’s, lots of young people went off to University and had Nervous Breakdowns. Many were extremely high I.Q. and Bit Off More than they could chew. DANIEL JOHNSTON- comes to mind. ‘The Devil and Daniel Johnston” the movie, another JOHN NASH who won Nobel Peace Prize for “Game Theory” John Forbes Nash Jr. – Wikipedia

I had that happen also. however in 1968 there were State Mental Hospitals to which one could go and MOST PEOPLE recovered.

Now there is only Homeless as the road to recovery, and once a person is homeless, the American System cuts them off from ever getting a Job or a Home.

In all states the SAME LAWS are uniformly writted—

One such law (in Portland) says if a PERSON has NO HOME ADDRESS for 6 MONTHS he or she CANNOT RENT a Room, Apartment or House, even if they have RENT, DEPOSIT and a SOURCE OF EARNED INCOME.
Other States just RAISE the RENT to a LEVEL NO ONE CAN AFFORD.

PRIME EXAMPLE: Cost of a Piss in Sink Resedental Hotel room in San Francisco is $200.00 a Week, $800 a month but Social Security SSI payments are only >$900 a month. (The price may be higher now, I found this out over 3 years ago.)

If you pay ALL YOUR INCOME ($200 x 4, $800. SSI check is under $900.00) you have to Panhandle to buy Cigarettes, Wash Clothes , etc.

I am fortunate, I am in SENIOR HOUSING , but I know hundreads of people BEGGING ON THE STREETS who also have a S.R.O. piss in sink RESEDENTAL HOTEL ROOM.

So the CITY PASSES LAWS against panhandelers. America is fucked so bad that I hope we DO Start a War with No. Korea…because Russia, Gernamy, China, No. Korea have a TREATY to become ALLIED against the U.S.A. when that Fag Clown Trump attacks No. Korea.

America’s Future is related in White Lotus
by John Hersey written in 1964.

John Hershey’s Book

“I began to see religion as a suit of clothing…covering naked
barbarity…(p)iety and cruelty were mask and face (p. 385 of the Alfred
A. Knopf [© 1965] first edition I just read).”

And this is true in John Hersey’s harrowing account not only of religion! Piety masking
cruelty is apparent in almost every aspect of the lives of these white
slaves following another ill-defined Great War in which China emerges as
the victor — and America, the loser.

Hersey’s brilliant allegory puts white Americans into the shoes of an enslaved
people, so they can try them on for size. In the aftermath of a ‘Great
War’ the former US has been conquered by the Chinese. A young Arizona
girl, renamed White Lotus is the focus of the narrative. Through it, we
see her develop from a bewildered slave, to become a conscious and
intelligent revolutionary, whose simple and elegant non-violent protest
becomes a movement which ultimately bewiders and ultimately terrifies
her oppressors, so that they must turn away, shamed and defeated.

White Lotus’ ‘victory’ reflects the philospophies of Gadhi and Martin Luther
King Jnr, and reminds the reader that the victory of the opressed over
their masters, also paradoxially frees the oppressor from their

Hersy’s novel is now over half a century old, and
still relevant and powerful. Recommended reading in the face of recent
events in a divided and confused USA.

China wins the ‘Great War’ and a young California girl is taken by force to China to work as a slave.

basic premise of Hersey’s novel sounds as though it comes from a more
recent book, as the trend towards ‘alternate history’ has bloomed in the
last decade. The book was written in 1965, however, when playing ‘what
if?’ games was much less popular. I find it hard to classify this book
as alternate history. The story is one of racial injustice and social
change, turned on its head in a truly unique way. Hersey’s background as
the child of American missionaries in China – just like Pearl Buck, his
contemporary – lend authenticity to his descriptions of pre-Revolution
China. I have always found the story deeply moving. The book itself is
out of print, but I grab every copy that I find used to give to friends
and loved ones

Valerei Renfro2 months ago
Thank you Boxcar Johnny. This was a good documentary. It was nice to see the old Los Angeles. This made me a little sad. But I liked watching this.

FeedScrn CrapScrn4 days ago
solution: give them all cars or vans. it’s functional shelter. they don’t need overnight heat in LA or Hawaii…. just a sleeping bag or a couple of blankets. TaDa!
There’s a whole community who live in cars and vans- who like it. See channel Cheap RV Living (all one word- no spaces) for details.
Dan Kirchner
5 days ago
5 star * * * * *

this is some outstanding shit! the sax buy John coltrain and the raspy voice of Charles Bukowski!

it’s spooky scary how this type of living in 1982 is still in existence in 2017 in London Ontario Canada as I witness it every day, as a life that occupies the 3rd floor of the men’s shelter, people living day by day pay check to pay check OSSD or welfare or picking up oddjobs, their addictions control their lives, they make a life of doing what is their own making not wanting what is the best options for themselves, just looking for that next fix, wither it be meth or booze or weed, and their days are controlled only by those feelings for that next high. Nothing else in the world matters, that high is the only thing that matters

Biggest Corporation, United States of America, Makes Billions from Slavery. Federal Prisons stole all the Furnature Jobs, All State Prisons (I ave Been In) Require you to WORK or no Commisarey, my Son jest gat out prison…11 years, and he has a Good Job, got it together, wasn;t a druggie, just a big young fellow, a gentle giant that can explode if pushed. Unforstuen for him he has …HERNIAS….and had operation…I call him this weekend…he lives other side of worls from me…Distance between California and Switzerland is 8686 KM and 302.38 meters that is 5397.4 miles.
If I still was a Freight Train Hopper that’s too far….and the Famous Wabash Cannaball that carried Hoboes around the world was scrapped out and sold for SALVAGE by a Bastard named “Frank” who Seized Control of the HOBO CONVENTION when Buzz Potter died. “Flat Car Frank” who admits he HATES RIDING TRAINS, Onle once ever did, from Eugene Oregon to
Dunsmuir, ca. a short hop. He freaked and cried all the way, scared as a little girl that Roger the Doger Railroad Bull would ‘arrest” him….and he indunted some really awful crooked bastards to Milk Tourists out of Money…promised to BUild a City for Tramps…. 

Buzz Potter is president of the National Hobo Association. Yes, there
really is one. He’s semi-retired now and runs a small mortgage company.
But many years ago he was a hobo.


Potter misses “the freedom … freedom … freedom. God it was free. And you
know, you were a king without a crown. You’d have ten bucks in your
pocket and you were the richest man on earth.”


Potter says they weren’t bums or tramps, they just liked working freelance.


“The hobo was a wandering worker,” Potter says. “We were not mooches and
we used the freight trains to get from place to place where the was


The Texas Madman, 56, currently resides in a Federal Prison for a very very long time.


East Cleveland with fellow Hobo the Collinwod Kid. who DIED about the time Jon McLeod (Texas Madman, born and lived in fucking East Cleveland, never was a Real Tramp merely a Young Punk with a Wanna Be attitude.


A Hobo since the age of 13,(I doubt the age , waht a lier he him is! and dubbed the Grand Dyke of the Hobos,



the madman believes that although the subculture isn’t as big as it used to be there will always be people in every generation whose desire to see the world will be guided by the rails.


In the FEDERAL SLAMMER he rides his Cell Mates Cock all night for “Zu-Zus & Wam-Wams”



ArkieSlim 6y
Re: Whacko Alert!!!!! Frank Kelley, President & CEO of, a 501 .c. 3 Corporation set up to generate a CASH FLOW into FRANCIS KELLEY’s Bank account.
Frank Kelley is a Electronics Radio & Television FCC License Holder, now he works only to get CONTRIBUTIONS to his HOBO MUSEUM which supports his Barney Madoff style Livelihood




Who’s baiting him? No one here. He just posts pure garbage and then when we
respond he attacks us. He is a waste of air.

—, john easley RIP to old john “Coal Train” eisely, I rode with him , but he turned on me when he got a BIG FUCKING POWER TRIP from FLAT CAR FRANK the NO TRAIN RIDING ‘Keeper of the Corporate Funds for His ‘HOBO FOUNDATION.”
> Who do you want banned? You sound like a recovered alcoholic……..
> –I’m afraid the social dynamics of an internet list are different from the
dynamics of a hobo jungle.No one ever made an internet troll go away by
badgering them-it just eggs them on.That’s why its called “feeding the
Trolls”Hopefully Chestate will will intervene and ban this guy.

john easley wrote:
Kick Rocks then Pal…We gotta get this dipshit off our asses once and for
all!……We’ ve had enough of his Bullshit!… .


THIS IS SO FUNNY…ALL THESE GUYS ARE DEAD! I quit riding in 2010 when I turned 65 and got a SENIOR APARTMENT in Los Angeles, Social Security, and now have a 1984 Gibson Les Paul, a “Joe Pass” Jazz Guitar…a Ephephone Regent, and get Prescription Marhuiana….but these guys were always taking shit, I WAS JOHN EASELY’S ONLY PEN PAL while he was in CDC PRISON up by Lake what…by RENO…that lake. The Prison near there.


Shit I am Senile can’t recollect shit.


I was Black Rag High Line ryder in 1980s, FTRA Ride Along,,,,Daniel Boone , Knight Ryder, lots of good folk. Only a FOOL LIKE “TEXAS MAD MAN””” steals SSI CHECKS from his DEAD ROOMIE—COLLINWOOD KID’S CHECKS” CASHED THEM like a idiot. NOW HE IN IN PRISON since 2009. > >



of course, I had a Nervuois Breaksdoen in College, 1968, was put in State Hospital….1968-1977. They pumped me full of THORAZINE, HALDAL, PROLIXIN. ARTAINE….I was ZOMBIES by SCIENCE!

HOBO’S ARE FUCKING AS BAD AT HATING MENTAL PEOPLE AS STRAIGHT JOHNS. ALL THAT BULL SHIT about ‘Knights of the Road?” Fuck that. Bastards, after throwinf a son of a bitch off a train going between Spokine and Canada….for just being a asshole…news spread.

I never had any problems with people, I would Catch a Grainer to some other place. Carry a A.L.I.C.E. pack (abt 60 LBS) 24.7 all my Train hopper days…1987-2010. Plus a GIBSON MK-53 Guitar, a 1976 Model I bought in Autstin, Texas,,, money I ern playin my Other guitar.

Shit life was Good, ain’t bad now, but I am having old mens piss in the pants tryin to unzip…I don’t wear Breetchs at home…My Bathroom is 5 Feet from my Compuer Desk.



> Meanwhile Frank> > –And you’re small enough to constantly bait people, which keeps this stuff going.I’m not defending these guys; but you’ve become a drag on every group I join. When do you say anything positive?


, I’d like to challenge you to do one positive post on any

aspect of Hobo/traveler culture, past or present .Supposedly, you love this
subculture.You haven’t shown anything but anger in a very long time.


>, “Frank” wrote:
You thouht Iowa Blackie was crazy? Have you seen these posts from “boxcar
a-no1”? whew! what a weirdo! I’m laughing so hard. I picture him with the
tinfoil hat now!

Read Between the Lines

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Read Between the Lines

A no-bull guide to freight-hoppers on the WebBy Wes Modes

Information sources for hobos are few and far between. Hobo lore and legend is largely an oral tradition. There are a few sites on the Internet you can check out for information on train-hopping.

Train Hoppers Space
These pages are a collection of stuff that is of interest to freight train hoppers–information sources, how-to, stories, maps and links to other sites. The site has an extensive bibliography of freight-hopping publications.

Hobo Times’ Home Page
The Hobo Times, America’s journal of wanderlust, is published by the National Hobo Association. The NHA has thousands of members throughout America devoted to train-hopping and hobo lore.

HotWired: On the Road–“Catching Out”
Great story, pictures and music in a hot-wired article about a journalist’s trek out on the iron road. A fantastic intro to freight-hopping.

HotWired: Club Wired–George Lin
An extensive interview covering many aspects of train-hopping with the author of HotWired’s “Catching Out” article.

Real Change–The Art and Science of Illegal Train Travel
An in-depth interview with three modern vagabonds from The Best of Real Change, Seattle’s Homeless Newspaper.

Freight-Hopping at the End of the Millennium
A brief story and some very beautiful pictures of train-hopping along the west coast up into Canada.

North American Railroad Frequencies
A list of all of the frequencies used by North American railroads. This is useful for those yuppie hobos who invested in a scanner.

Tiger Map Service Browser
This service is provided courtesy of the U.S. Bureau of the Census. It shows you a map of any location in the United States. You can display railway lines and even zoom in for a close up view of freight yards.

Do You Really Want to Hop Trains?
This’ll tell you in great detail how you will be crushed and squished beyond recognition if you ride freight trains. It’s provided as counterpoint. A typically hysterical response from rail fans, who tend to hate scummy hobos.

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From the May 23-29, 1996 issue of Metro Santa Cruz

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Copyright © 1996 Metro Publishing and Virtual Valley, Inc.


Cringing at “Schizophrenia:”

Cringing at “Schizophrenia:” The word: “schizoph 2017-06-15 10:23

Cringing at “Schizophrenia:”
The word: “schizophrenia” triggers negativity in anybody with any knowledge of the word’s portrayal in media, popular thinking about it or else experiences with it.

Since being diagnosed in 1996, I have thought of the word: “schizophrenia,” first thing every day and throughout the days, months and years until today, seventeen years later.

Until 1996 when diagnosed “schizophrenia,” I think that I may have heard the word: “schizophrenia,” once in my life as a kid in a school locker room.

I have not missed but two appointments with a doctor or nurse since 1996. I missed the two appointments due to mitigating circumstances. Nobody can call me late for a doctor’s appointment!

(A reason for my being steadfast in consulting medical professionals is that I do not want to ever again experience what I experienced in 1996 when I did not sleep for a month after reading the Old Testament night and day for a year through to the Book of Malachi where it states: “therefore, thou shalt not deal treacherously with the wife of thy youth.”

I was literally scared shit less of my own shadow by 1996 with no contact to anybody since 1993 where I was living in the back of a truck locking myself in a university library for twelve hour days reading and writing. I lost my “voice” and “nerve” in 1996 when diagnosed and have only begun to regain my “voice” through writing).

However: every morning since 1996 when diagnosed, I have thoughts of the word, “schizophrenia” flitting through my mind, which triggers wretched feelings in me as to what that word, “schizophrenia” connotes to me as someone diagnosed with it, on relational levels in my life and in popular thinking about “schizophrenia,” as broadcast by media of “schizophrenia.”

77% of cross platform and cross genre media portrays “schizophrenia” in a negative light, such as violent or criminal; whereas, the actual percent of violent or criminal people diagnosed with “schizophrenia” in communities of the United States is 3%: a number corresponding to the number of violent or criminal offenders in general populations.

Yet, media portrays “schizophrenia” as “violent or criminal” in 77% of cross-genre, cross platform, depicted scenarios from news to sitcoms. Media shapes “popular thinking” in the public’s eye about many world topics, “schizophrenia” being one.

Thus, there is a lot of misinformation surrounding “schizophrenia” and what it connotes to people’s mindset about it and reactions to it when the word, “schizophrenia,” is a topic.

Relationships are difficult for me to maintain with most people because people whom I meet or know think negatively about me in my experience due to knowledge of my diagnosis and they express it verbally and physically.

The word, “schizophrenia” invites negativity in no matter whose mind it is seeded because of ill informed, negative connotations, thinking and reactions to the word “schizophrenia” brought about by portrayal of it proliferated in media.

Personally, when I think of the word, “schizophrenia” as a person diagnosed with it for seventeen years of my life since 1996: the word evokes negative thoughts in me about me, which in turn cause me to experience wretched feelings of regret, anger, belittlement, suicide ideas, unhappiness, distress, anxiety, depression, despondence and a host of other negative feelings about myself.

For me: “schizophrenia” and what it connotes as far as my feelings and thoughts are affected by what the word connotes to me and by and large, a lot of people in my experience, is a “curse,” like being in a nightmare of emotional and psychological negativity, day in and day out.

I pang daily to feel good about myself and to think positively or in positive affirmations, but I find that the world around me exudes negativity in myriad ways causing me to feel bad about poachers in Africa feeding cyanide to elephants for tusks to be ground down into powder aphrodisiacs on top of the negativity that the word “schizophrenia” evokes in me.

Knowledge of what it is that causes ails is the key to curing ails and a cure for me would be to feel good about myself in spite of “schizophrenia” or other negativity in the world. What thoughts and actions do I need to practice on a consistent basis in order to feel good about myself on a daily basis in spite of the way that thought of the word “schizophrenia” affects me?

“When life looks like a piece of shit, don’t give up! Give a whistle and sing and dance …”

Takes Advantage of Homeless Hoboes & Steals their Dead Bodies for Satanic Cannibal Sex Rituals.

Crooked Liar and Panderer, Takes Advantage of Homeless Hoboes & Steals their Dead Bodies for Satanic Cannibal Sex Rituals.

Frank Kelley

Website Administrator

Hobo Museum

HQ Phone:  (641) 843-9104



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The Spokesman-Review

. Trains are harder to jump since the design of the individual cars has become more specialized and streamlined.

SUNDAY, AUG. 21, 2011
Modern train cars have made hobo lifestyle a thing of the past
By Rebecca Nappi 459-5496

Hobo habitat disappears

A sampler:

Film: The 1933 “Wild Boys of the Road” focused on the dangers of rail riding, which inspired even more of it among Depression-era teens. The trailer is on YouTube.

Book: In the 1906 book “The Jungle” by Upton Sinclair, the main character temporarily leaves his family after a string of tragedies, to lead a hobo’s life.

Song: “King of the Road,” the 1964 Roger Miller classic, includes these lyrics: “Third boxcar midnight train, destination Bangor, Maine … I know every engineer on every train.”

Halloween costume: Coffee-grounds beard, knapsack fashioned out of broom handle and a bandanna.

Gus Melonas, regional spokesman for BNSF Railway, grew up in the early 1960s in a railroad station house in Wishram, Wash.

He and his twin brother walked to the park near their house to visit with the “hobos” – the men who rode the rails and lived in camps between journeys.

“The hobos would give us Twinkies every day,” Melonas recalled. “They would tell train stories.

“There was never any trouble with the hobos. They were always friendly.”

When Melonas followed in his father’s – and grandfather’s – footsteps and took a job with the railroad in the mid-1970s, he ran into hobos all the time, on the trains and in the camps.

But now?

“I cannot recall the last time I actually saw a person on a railcar,” Melonas said.

The hobo culture is pretty much dead, except in literature, film and people’s imagination.

What the heck happened?

Hobos: A brief history

Hobos surfaced in U.S. history in the mid-1800s, at the same time railroads emerged as a major mode of transportation in the United States. After the Civil War, displaced veterans rode the rails in search of work and new lives.

By the early 1900s, one New York newspaper estimated that about 700,000 transients, almost all men, regularly rode the rails.

During the Great Depression, hobo numbers soared as men – and families – moved around the country in search of work.

In 1937, a Utah law enforcement official, exasperated with the 50 to 100 hobos passing through his town each day, suggested they be corralled into work farms for 90 days. His suggestion made news throughout the country, including in The Spokesman-Review.

The men who rode the rails, however, were considered a better breed of “bum,” because they were often willing to work for food.

Bob Grandinetti, a retired police Spokane police officer, remembers his mother and other East Spokane neighbors giving hobos sandwiches.

“If you had yard work, they’d do it,” he said.

Train hobos, romanticized in film, book and song, became symbols of freedom and adventure, and not just for men down on their luck.

In the mid-1970s, Melonas met a professor from Syracuse riding the rails for kicks.

“Another was a tennis professional who caught a ride from Southern California for a tennis tournament in Seattle,” he said.

But scrape off the thin veneer of glamour, and you’d quickly find the grimness.

In 1958, Spokesman-Review reporter Dorothy Rochon Powers interviewed men in hobo camps under Spokane’s railroad bridges.

She wrote: “The wracking loneliness is there … and the filth, and the rusty tin cans, and the ramshackle windbreaks, built of discarded boxes.”

Dave Wall first went to work for Spokane’s Union Gospel Mission 23 years ago, when it was still common for hobos to come to the mission for meals.

One day he met a man who couldn’t walk. He was “oozing from the groin area,” Wall said.

While riding the train, he had wiped himself with dirty insulation found in the boxcar. An infection followed. Eventually, gangrene set in.

Still, trains kept up their siren calls.

A dozen years ago, while Wall talked to a man who was in the mission’s long-term recovery program, the man heard a train nearby and said: “It’s calling me, Dave. I don’t know if I can stay.”

He didn’t.

Hobo culture: the demise

Dick Bosse, a retired railroad worker, built his home a rock’s throw from a train crossing near Sandpoint. He sits in his sun porch and watches about two dozen trains go by each day.

He has lived there for eight years and has never seen a hobo riding on or in a car, because railroad cars are no longer rider-friendly.

Hobos in the past hopped onto open, flat cars. Or they nestled into boxcars, after easily prying open the doors.

Now many of the cars are “intermodal container cars,” transported by ship, truck and rail and sealed as tight as tuna cans.

Other railcars “are closed and refrigerated cars,” Bosse said. “They can’t get into them. They have special locks.”

Almost all railcars lack surfaces to grab onto or space to sit down in. Some are even nicknamed “suicide cars.”

Another reason for hobo demise? The change in hobo culture.

In the 1990s, Grandinetti noticed that the benign hobos of his childhood had disappeared. The new rail riders often formed gangs who robbed and sometimes murdered.

With the backing of his police department, and city officials, he orchestrated a campaign to rid Spokane of train hobos, especially the Freight Train Riders of America who drank fortified Thunderbird wine as part of their hobo code.

When the city passed an ordinance banning the sale of fortified wine in areas close to the railroad tracks, many of the Freight Train Riders skipped Spokane in their rail adventures.

Also in the 1990s, railroad companies throughout the United States cracked down on trespassing. After Sept. 11, even more crackdowns followed, because of terrorist concerns.

“In my career, the biggest change has been the emphasis on safety,” Melonas said. “Even crew members (can’t) hop on and off moving trains.”

Last weekend, Britt, Iowa, hosted the National Hobo Convention, a mainstay there since 1900. Genuine train hobos attended throughout the 20th century, but in the absence now of real hobos, the event has gone country-fair mainstream.

For instance, the souvenirs for sale included refrigerator magnets and golf balls – two items you’d never find in a hobo’s knapsack in our country’s king-of-the-road past.
Published: Aug. 21, 2011, midnight
Tags: BNSF Railway, hobos, riding the rails, train

Monday, March 24, 2014

the old Burlington Northern “Hi-Line.” It goes from Chicago (we used Cicero’s yard, back then) to Aurora, to BX Crossing, to the UP x-ing at Rochelle, to Oregon, ILL, to Savanna, near Dubuque, IA on the east side of the river, to Cassville, Prairie du Chien, to Ferryville, to Genoa, to La Crosse (connection to Canadian Pacific headed east to Milwaukee) then East Winona, Alma, Stockholm, Bay City and then to East Minneapolis. Then across the Mississippi to Minneapolis itself, and then, through Minneapolis’ Northtown Yard, to Elk River, St. Cloud, Royalton, Little Falls, and Staples, MN. Staples is a major tramp junction town. (The tracks that go east go to Duluth.)
Next, to Wadena, Perham, Detroit Lakes, and to Fargo, ND, another major junction town.
At Fargo, ND, it goes northwest, to Vance, Nolan, Hannaford, New Rockford, Selz, Guthrie, and Minot. (Old tramp joke: “Why not Minot? Freezin’s the reason!”) to Berthold, Stanley, Tioga, Ray, Epping, Williston, Trenton, and to Snowden, MT.
In Montana, it goes through Bainville, Culbertson, Oswego, Hinsdale, Saco, Malta, Dodsob, Harlem, Chinook, Havre (another major tramp town,) Hingham, Chester, Shelby (big junction,) Cut Bank, Browning, Summit, Columbia Falls, Olney, Stryker, Libby (birthplace of the FTRA, 1988) and Troy, and on into Crossport, ID.
Then to Bonner’s Ferry, Colburn, Sandpoint (a major tramp town), Athol, and to Spokane, WA (arguably the Center of the Universe for tramps and hobos.)
From Spokane, WA, there are two routes. One goes west to Odessa, Statford, Ephrata, Trinidad, Wenatchee, Cashmere, Leavenworth, Skyhomish, Snohomish, and to Everett, WA. Seattle is about 35 miles south of Everett.
The other (the “Old Hi-Line” or “Original Hi-Line”) goes south through Marshall, Cheney, Ritzville, Connell, Pasco (a big tramp town–lots of missions) then across to the “North Bank” of the Columbia River, through Paterson, Roosevelt, Wishram (another big tramp town,) Lyle, Stevenson, Washougal, Vancouver, WA, then across the Columbia to Portland, OR. This is called riding “down the river.”
There was a time when many tramps rode the Hi-Line back and forth, wintering in Minneapolis or Chicago, or somewhere down South, then catching out in the spring or summer for agricultural work in the Pacific northwest. I picked apples myself, a few times, in the late summer/early fall.
Today, the larger railroad yards in these major cities are very inhospitable to tramps. One must be careful and skilled to catch out of yards in Chicago or Minneapolis.




 Craig R. Ziegler [K-Bar2] (Jul 11, 1992)  

 1 2 3 4 5
Craig R. Ziegler
Harris County, TexasLooking for Craig, he is about 64, born about 1951, used to work in Houston, Texas Area – ‎Registered Nurse at Harris County Juvenile Probation Department – ‎Harris County Juvenile Probation Department
Craig Ziegler. Registered Nurse at Harris County Juvenile Probation Department. Location: Houston, Texas Area; Industry: Hospital & Health Care

Jul 11, 1992- Two brothers found dead in a rail road ditch Friday apparently crashed head-on into each other as they rode dirt bikes in the dark, authorities said.

The bodies of Craig A. Ziegler, 23, and Lyle D. Ziegler, 18, were discovered about 6 a.m. by their father, who was searching for the pair with relatives and a Harris County sheriff’s deputy.

Deputy Coroner Philpot Littletail said the brothers were killed several hours before he pronounced them dead at 6:20 a.m. Both suffered multiple injuries from the collision, including severe head injuries, he said.

The brothers’ bodies were found on railroad right of way about two miles north of Middleton about a mile from their home, authorities said.

Actually his Road Name is DOG MAN TONY, I rode with him many times on the High-Line in the 1980’s-1990’s, and I Know what town he’s from in New York State!

Quoted from Boxcar Hobo A#1


Frank has only rode a freight train 1 time in his life riding from Klamath Falls Oregon to Dunsmuir California in 1992.

Quoted from Boxcar Hobo A#1


I rod continously since 1972 with a short break for the birth of both of my sons. I don’t ride now for work, ust pleasure, and remenicing of old days! Although I will soon be steady on the road to do My Style of a Hobo Documentary.

Quoted from Boxcar Hobo A#1


You write like you’re on CRACK!

Very Funny, the Texas Mad Man, a Native of Cleveland, Ohio, and a Federal Marshall working incognito as a Railroad Tramp, Now doing a 30 Year Federal Sentence in Marion, federal prison.

flatcar – Replied Feb 23, 2008

Lets start from scratch here. No I dont ride the rails. I have a a full time job. I Work for a living. I have ridden in the past, never did enjoy as much as I thought. I do like the history of hobos. I have been going to britt now for over 15 years. Why do people think Im in charge. Im not. Im just another person at the jungle. There are very FEW fakes that show up at Britt. There have been old timers and young riders that have come to britt. I’ve never claimed to be a hobo, nor do I want to be. If you can’t handle that, too bad. I’ve never seen you contribute anything to the convention, so you have no right or experience to complain about it. Many of the locals and “hobos at heart” put their all into the events and exhibits, while I tend to see all the “real hobos” sit around and get drunk and piss all over the place. So, I’ve seen both sides of the street. Come to Britt and prove me wrong, Please!

flatcar – Rank: New Jack – Messages:

KaBar2 – Replied Feb 24, 2008

I spent the night down at the jungle with Stretch, Burlington and a couple of railriders named Rick and Carla. The jungle is looking good, the trash is all picked up pretty much. We burned up a large portion of the junk firewood pile last night, maybe about half. The idea is to get rid of as many things that would attract negative attention as is possible. Trash is a major negative attention-getter. It’s like throwing down your cans at a lay-up—just dumb behavior.
Both Stretch and Rick are working. Stretch has a temp job at a refrigerated warehouse that ships juice boxes and non-carbonated beverages. Rick is working at a concrete plant filling up ready-mix trucks with concrete and unloading hopper cars full of dry cement.

They made a major food score at a church-sponsored food bank. Each person got a couple of bags full of groceries, so now the jungle has plenty of chow. By the end of the week both guys will get a payday, so things should be prosperous for them pretty soon.

Because they are working, but living in the jungle, they’ll be able to raise road money quickly. Stretch is talking about going to Amory in early April, so when he pulls stakes it’s probable that Rick and Carla will move into the hooch.

I think it’s kind of cool having people living in the jungle who share my ideas about keeping a clean camp. The place actually looks orderly and kind of “well kept.”

KaBar2 – Rank: 12oz Senior Member – Messages:

– Joined:
Jun 27, 2003

KaBar2 – Replied Feb 24, 2008


KaBar2 – Rank: 12oz Senior Member – Messages:

– Joined:
Jun 27, 2003

Last edited: Feb 24, 2008
The Texas Madman
The Texas Madman – Replied Feb 24, 2008

Yeah, I’m here, but have to return the DSL to the upstairs in a minute

The Texas Madman
The Texas Madman – Replied Feb 24, 2008

K-Bar – [ask Frank if you think I’m blowing things out of proportion]
ANYTHING you can do to keep elijah 666 prophet, who is also boxcarro_a1, Off this board will hlp to kep it for REAL HOBO-TRAMPS!

Old Johnny i Guitar is Still Alive and Rail Hopping, Madman in Jail, K-Bar a Parole Officer who MASQUERADES as a Hobo….Stretch, well, Burlington the Wonder Dog Died. Stretch Commited Suicide because he Eyes Got Bad. Only 40 0dd years old. Hell:RIP. DUDE! I was in JAIL with Stretch when Myself and TAT-2 a FTRA we rose into Las Vegas in Hottest Summer 1996, I got jailed didgging dumpster, Stretch was Jail also, He had his Dog but Was too pised off Dog got Impounded.

A SNITCH DIES EVERY GODDAMN DAY—-Craig Ziegler- Jewish Boxcar-Jewish.

Jon MacLeod “Cleveland Ohio Federal Marshall, INCARCERATED.”

SNITCHES and PINKO FAGS out to Arrest The Poor Folk.

The Snitch Clown Circus.

ddress List
Hobo Address List 2000

Anikka & Andy
1467 Gardners Neck
Rd. Swansea, MA
02777 (8/98)

Apple Blossom
(Gayle Lea) 823
Jonathan Dr.
Apple Valley, MN
612-431-2485 (8/00)

Anne Arcky
P.O. Box 11703
Eugene, OR 97440

Arkansas Traveler
“Arky” (Carl Loft)
2513 Westover Blvd.
Des Moines, [A
60322 615-344-6403

Mark Ashe
P.O. Box 18171
Washington, DC
202-986-3809 (9/96)

Austin John (John
Purgason &
51 01 Evans Ave.
Austin, TX 75751
512-929-9057 (8194)

Auzzie Terry
General Delivery
Anywhere U.S.A.

Brian Ora Coya
Box 29 JAF
New York, NY 10001
212-946-5441 (Voice
Mail- 8/98)
m (7/99)

B (Brian Doherty)
1 1 Meadow View Dr.
Novato, CA 94949
415-382-1519 (1195)

Backwoods Jack
(Jack Sophir) &
Patches (dog)
7290 Flitz Trail
Litchfield, IL
62056 217-324-6635

Bad Order Bob (Orr)
1913 Capitol Ave.
Sacramento, CA
95814 (12/93)
916-442-8016 (9/96)
916-922-6960 (9/96)

Kay Bain
P.O. Box 360 WTVA
Tupelo, MS 38802

Baldwin (see: Down
East Bob)

Baltimore Red (Ron
5217 S. Greenwood
Chicago, IL 60615
773-966-0101 (8/00)
com (8/00)

Bandana (Raymond
Schafer) 1840 E.
81h St.

Jeffersonville, IN
812-282-0423 (8/98)

Banjo Fred
8577 Limerick
Winneta, CA 91306
818-701-5287 (8/00)
net (8/00)

P.O. Box 881
West Bend, WI
6309M881 (8/98)

Batman (Louis
401 N. Phillips
Sioux Falls, SD
57104 (8/99)

Bear Grease (Ed
1247 Stavis E. NW
Bremerton, WA 98312
206-962-6268 (8/95)

Virgil & Betty Beck

Box 66
Northwood, [A 50459
515-324-3121 (8/99)

Mark Besley
1616 Ashland Ave.
St. Paul, MN 65104

Big Skip (Mc
Delta, OH 43616
419-826-6516 (8/00)

Bilboagie (Richard
1066 Farmington
Pottstown, PA 19064
610-323-8840 (8/96)

Bindiestiff Family
Stephanie Monseau

Keith Nelson
P.O. Box 1917
New York, NY 10009
718-963-2918 (8199)
212-726-1935 (info-
Homepage 8/99)

Blackout Brad
50 Ave. B
New York City, NY
209 E. 7 Ih St.
Apt. 3N
New York City, NY
212-260-9754 (8/99)

Blue Moon Bo
(Connie Hall)
210 Dunn Rd.
Dexter, ME 04930
207-924-3096 (8/00)

Bo Deen
General Delivery
Anywhere U.S.A.
Bo Grump
602 S. First Ave.
Sioux Falls, SD
57104 (8/00)
P.O. Box 1074
(mailing address)
Sioux Falls, SD
57101 (8/00)

Bobaloo (Bob
3119 Stillwater Dr.
Billings, MT 69102

Revision 9/15/2000

Bobbie Mc Gee
(Robert E.
1568 Baxter Ave.
Fairbank, IA 60629

Harold Boekelman
2465 Hill Ave.
Britt, IA 60423

641-843-3945 (8/99)

Luke Bohannon 6611
43 rd Ave.
East Tacoma, WA
98443 (8/97)

87 Parent Wy.
Oroville, CA 95965

Rich & Betty Book

d St.
580 3        SE

Britt, IA 60423
641-843-4541 (8/00)

Boxcar Debbie 314
First St. SW
Staples, MN 66479
Betty & Dave Boyd
12370 State Rt. 64
Swanton, OH 43668

Tom Boyd

1811 Cherry St. Box
Millbury, OH 43447
419-865-7452 (1/95)

Leo Brandenburger
1110 S. Washington
Park Ridge, IL

Breakneck (Brenden
42 Taft Ave.

Staten Island, NY
10301 718-447-4310
(8/99) 379 Hatchet
Mountain Rd. Hope,
ME 04847 207-763-
4366 (8/99) vexier@ (8/99)

P.O. Box 12521
Columbus, OH 43212

Father Bries
139 Third St., SE
Britt, IA 50423-

Britt Iowa Chamber
94 Main Ave. So.
P.O. Box 63
(mailing address)
Britt, IA 60423

641-843-3867 (8/00)

Briff News Tribune
Martin Bunge- owner
42 Center St. W.
P.O. Box 38
Britt, IA 50423
641-843-3851 (8/99)

Brood (Brad Will)
Blackout 50 Avenue
New York, NY 10009

Lyle Brown
7630 Crescent Rd.
Warrens, WI 54666
608-372-5440 (8/99)

Dennis Brumm
452 4th St. SW
Britt, IA 60423
641-843-3256 (8/96)

636 SE 72″ St.
Gainesville, FL
32641 (8/00) 352-
377-7867 (8/00)

Gio Buie
60177 Rifter Rd.
Amory, MS 38821

Buffalo Bob
General Delivery
Anywhere, U.S.A.
Burma Shave P.O.
Box 602
Drexel Hill, PA
19026 (8/00)

Butch (Paul Young)
189 Sunset Lane
Hiawatha, IA 52233

Eddie Jeff Cahill
c/o Mammoser 3716
34 Ih Ave. S.
Minneapolis, MN
55406 (7/96)”

Calamity Jane
(Bonnie Miller) 206
gth St.

Waterloo, IA 50703
515-234-8958 (8/99)

P.O. Box 484
Somerset, MA 02726

Debbie Campbell
P.O. Box 2683
Hayden, ID 83835
208-699-0707 (8/96)

Virgil Campbell 77
Stevens Rd.
Eudora, KS 66025

Captain Cloud (Tim
615 Corvin Road #1
Dayton, TN 37321
captaincloud@hotmai (8/00)

Captain Cook (Garth
10520 Eastborn Ave.
Los Angeles, CA
310-645-1500 (8/94)

Captain Dingo-
Airborne Hobo c/o
Kathy Dassi 5300 E.
Desert Inn Rd.
Las Vegas, NV ?????
702-431-2814 (call
ahead!) (9/00) Nov.
to April: 520-628-
1965 (8/00)

Jim Carrico
1723 Bedford Rd.
Washington, IN
47501 (10/95)

Leanne Castillo
545 First St. SE
Britt, IA 50423
641-843-3250 (8/98)

Steve Chadwick 600
Elm Grove
Seguin, TX 78165

Charmin Harmon
C/o Minneapolis

Chi (Kent Meredith)
260 W. 52@d St.
Apt. 10-D
New York, NY 10019
212-397-4285 (8/99)

Chicago Jazz
4417 S.W. 351h Ave.
Fort Lauderdale, FL
33312 (1/98)

Chicago Wolf 1904
Beloit, WI 53511

Choo Choo Johnson
(Donald W.) 2465
Dillon Ct.
Thousand Oaks, CA
805-492-1315 (4/96)
805-498-6974 (5/97)

Christos (see:
Houston Bean)

Cigar Bob &
Cheerleader Marilyn
(Robert And
Marietta Olsen) Box
Clear Lake, IA
50428 (8/00)

Cinderbox Cindy
(Cynthia K.
103 Hollywood Dr.
Edinburg, TX 78539

1636 Lewis St.
Helena, MT 59601

Brady Clark
General Delivery
Anywhere U.S.A.

Clear Lake (& Dawn)
P.O. Box 26
Klemme, IA 50449

Coal Car (Bretsel
RFD 2 Box 66A
Belington, WV 26250
304-823-2132 (1/95)

Coal Car Willie-
The Clown, Ph.D.
(Paul W. Bergman)
407 W. 5th St.
P.O. Box 696
White, SD 57276-

Collinwood Kid (Les
Hiller) 1666 Bryn
Mawr Rd.
East Cleveland, OH
44112-3811 216-249-
8140 (8/00) ckl

Come On Pat
6321 Madison St. NE
Minneapolis, MN
763-671-8758 (8/00)

Connecticut Shorty
@c/o Leigh Malone
6765 Paul Mar Dr.
Lantana, FL 33462-
3941 (8/00)

Conrail Joe (Joe
Fromhery Jr.)
18215 Hiller Ave.
Cleveland, OH 44119
692-1735 (5/94)

Michael Conroy
1517 Victoria Ave.
Berkeley, IL 60163-
1466 (1997)

Cornbread Carol &
Jim Miiller
424 W. Broadway
Logansport, IN
219-763-8845 (7/95)

Kelly Cornett
(Texas Bob’s
642 S. Franklin
Sidney, OH 46366

Country Time
823 Jonathan Drive
Apple Valley, MN
612-431-2485 (8100)

Chris From New
Jersey 777
Hilicrest Rd.
Ridgewood, NJ 07450

Ben Cramer
314 W. 62nd St. #1
New York, NY 10019
201-669-9511 (6/97)

James Creedon
64 Fish And Game
Tolland, CT 06084
edu (9/97)

Dan B.
P.O. Box 37
Bricelyn, MN 66014

Dante Fucwha “The
Route #1 Box 160
Staples, MN 66479
218-894-3672 (8/00)

Danville Dan (Al
300 Surry Manor Ln.
Apt. 19
Dobson, NC 27017
336-386-1018 (8/00)

Karen Darfier
@ The Babe Den 127B
Bixby St.
Santa Cruz, CA
95060 408-457-9309

General Delivery
Anywhere U.S.A.

Dayton George
1779 Shady Lane
Dayton, OH 45432

4412 Harriet Ave.
Minneapolis, MN
55409 (8/98)

Derail (Sharon L.
Fahey) 2400 E. 2 Id

Topeka, KS 66607-
786-234-9880 (8/00)
.com (8100)

Dog Man Tony
Rt. 1, Box 16
Staples, MN :6479@
(Ranch- 8/00)

John Donovan
P.O. Box 486
Danvers, IL 61732
963-4163 (1/95)

Down East Bob (Bob
Baldwin) 744 17th
Des Moines, IA
515/284-8920 (8/98)

Dr. Poet (Kevin Mc
727 Nickelodeon
Mariposa St.
Burbank, CA 90506

Drakesville Bill
217 S. Polk
Drakesville, IA
62652 515-722-3731

Draz Family
1317 McAfee St.
St. Paul, MN 55106
612-778-1333 (8/97)

Dre (Andrea
P.O. Box 1765
Santa Cruz, CA

Duck #801
6022 S. Drexel
Chicago, IL 60637
773-288-6381 (8/00)
om (8/00)

Dumpster Diver
Driver (see:
Hobo House

General Delivery
Anywhere U.S.A.

East Broad Top Bo
Rt. 1 Box 35
Sparks, OK 74869

East Coast Micky
Route #1 Box 160
Staples, MN 56479
218-894-3672 (8/99)

David Eberhardt
General Delivery
Anywhere U.S.A.

Emre Eldener
717 E. Huron St.
Ann Arbor, Ml
48104-1526 (1/95)

Bill Elliott

400 E. Randolph
Chicago, IL 60601
312-856-1423 (3/95)

Russell Enockson
1068 21st Ave. S.E.
Minneapolis, MN
612-331-3092 (8/97)

Roger Ewing
(Hobo House
Funeral Director)
P.O. Box 342
Britt, IA 50423

Father Bries (see:

Featherriver Kid
P.O. Box 1314
Nevada City, CA
95959 530-292-9207

Josh Felix
KDF Freight Journal
P.O. Box 6078
Chicago, IL 60680-
773-622-6622 (1/98)

Joe Ferone
304-2169 Wall
Vancouver, British
Canada (8/94)

Fireball (Dorothy
429 Seminary St.
Pennsburg, PA 18073

2900 Lafayette
Austin, TX 78722
.com (8199)

Flapjack Sam &
Northern Lights
(Sam & Suzy
631 Washington St.
Minneapolis, MN
55413 (8/99)

Flatcar Frank
(Frank Kelley Jr.)
31 Wedgewood Dr.
Holliston, MA
608-429-8072 (8/00)

Florida (Brian
3021 Jasmine
Delray Beach, FL
33483 (8/95)

Flying Hobo (Reuben
D. Hart)
2400 E. 2 Id St.
Topeka, KS 66607-

785-234-9880 (8/00)
com (8/00)

Frog (Jerry Fortin)
Anywhere USA (MIA)
m (8/00)

Fruit Loop
c/o Gods Love
323 N. Main
Helena, MT 966??

Gas Can Paddy
(Annie) &
Tinkerbell (dog)
1602 Locust Lane
Robinson, IL 62454
618-544-2856 (8/00)

Ken Gause
Operation Lifesaver
National Railway
11916 W. 92nd St.
Lenexa, KS 66215

Gene Gearhart
104 Cowpath Rd.
Telford, PA 18969
216-723-7561 (9/96)

Giant (Thomas
13969 Dogwood Ct.
Pine Grove, CA
95665 (8/98)

Giggles (Jana
2345 Q F Lane
Madrid, IA 60156
515-796-3707 (8/97)

Gopher Kid (Jacquie
1009 127″ Ln.  NE
Blaine, MN 55443
612-767-2266 (8/00)
t (8/00)

Billy Goft (Craig)
P.O. Box 8146
Santa Cruz, CA
95061 (8/99)
m (8/99)

Grain Car George
(Jim Wright)
P.O. Box 262
Alberton, MT 69820

Grandpa (Dudley) &
M.A.D. Mary
10480 Church Rd.
North Adams, Ml
517-523-2636 (8/00)
(8/00) Greenie
(see: New York
Kehben Grier
HC35 Box 205
South Gouldsboro,
ME 04607
saucyliltart@hotmai (8/99)

Grump (see: Bo

Gumby (Joe Crosno)
P.O. Box 141
Staples, MN 56479
218- 894-3258

Gung Ho (John F.
c/o Minnesota
Cereal Processors
P.O. Box 123 De
Mann Court Dundas,
MN 55019 work,
voice, & fax: 607-
663-7715 (8/95)

Gunsel (Steve
1250 Walden Lane
Anaheim, CA 92807
714-970-7884 (8/95)

Vinay Gupta
3 Moncrieff Way
West Lothian,
Scotland Eh548li

Gypsy Moon (Jackie
Somewhere, World,
Earth, Solar
System, Milky Way
Universe (8/00)

Ann Hagen
775 N. Main
Britt, IA 50423
641-843-3022 (8/96)

Robert Wm.  Haimes
68 Main St.
Pennsburg, PA 18073

Half Track (Lea
Burke) & John 20629
221″ Ave
Big Lake, MN 56309
763-263-5411 (8/00)
cell: 612-670-1971

Phil Hall
3805 Fretz Valley
Ottsville, PA
215-795-0255 (5/97)

Hans (Heineman)
P.O. Box 804

Topeka, KS 66601 qw
785-235-5035 (8/99)

Jim & Ann Hanson
2432 Shawnee Rd.
Ottawa, KS 66067

Happy Hobo (Darreld
Hallenbeck) &
Chris (Chris
(Hobo Heaven Bus)
P.O. Box 100
Nisland, SD 57762-
605-257-2430 (8/00)

Harmonica Mike
Rd 2, P.O. Box 267
Tamaqua, PA 18252-
717-668-2617 (8/96)

Vergie & Rochelle
Havig 630 S.
Mason City, IA
50401 515-424-3382

Heather & Whiskey
Jim Grau- dad
26201 Hickory Lane
216-235-4228 (8/97)
Olmsted Falls, OH

Joe & Virginia
Hicks 614 6th Ave.
Oelwein, IA 50662

Hillbilly Kid (Kirk
Sowards) 55 Adams
Huntington, WV
304-523-0248 (6/95)

Hippie Hobo (Larry
Latimore) 614
Howland Ave.
Toledo, OH 43605
419-691-9540 (8/00)

Hob Nob Bar (Dale
Nielsen) 79 Main
Ave. No.
Britt, IA 50423
641-843-3542 (8/99)
Hobo (see: Happy

Hobo Bill (Nile)
c/o Rita Weber
(stepdaughter) 189
Pinnacle Dr.
Brunswick, Ohio
330-225-0369 (6/00)

Hobo Foundation
c/o Mary Jo Hughes
P.O. Box 143
Britt, IA 50423

Hobo GKA (George
C/o Perkiomen
Second & Seminary
Pennsburg, PA 18073

Hobo Joe (Baker)
1697 Worthington

Greenville, NC
27858 (8/97 252-U6-
0171 (8/00)

Hobo House
Restaurant Mary Jo
Hughes- Owner
(Dumpster Diver
Driver) 72 Main
Ave. So.
Britt, IA 50423-
1663 641-843-3840

The Hobo Minstrel
RR#4 Box 466
11 Artisan Ln.

Plymouth, NH 03264-
3140 (8/00)
net (8/00)

Hobo Ray (Lukens)
P.O. Box 172
Smokerun, PA 16681

Hobo Shipman
154 N. Potomac St.
Baltimore, MD
410-342-7969 (1/98)

Hobo SLC (Charles
Anywhere USA (8/00)

Hobo Spike & Lady
212 Sims Circle
Apt. 12
Glencoe, AL 35905
256-494-1915 (8/00)

Hobos From Hell
P.O. Box 2497
Santa Cruz, CA
95063 (8/97)
corn (8/97)

Todd Holmes
(Britt Coronation
General Delivery
Britt, Iowa 50423

Hoops (David
711 E. Grace St.
Rensselaer, IN
219-866-7604 (8/97)

Hop Along Chet
(Chet Hopkins)
48585 Bird Of
Paradise Rd.
Morongo Valley, CA
619-363-7770 (6/96)

Bob Horstman
P.O. Box 145
Britt, IA 50423
work: 641-843-4422

George Horton (&
P.O. Box 3
Vining, IA 52348
515-489-2859 (8/96)

Hot Box Carol 1871
N. 100 Rd.
Baldwin City, KS
66006 (10/95)

Hotshot Heddy
P.O. Box 80″
Santa Cruz, CA
95061 (8/97)

Houston Bean
264 Elizabeth St.
New York, NY 10012
212-966-1528 (8/97)

Mary Howell
(Motorcycle Mary) &
908 SW Spring St.
Des Moines, IA
515-286-7408 (8/97)

Harry R. Howes
48 River Rd.
Somerset, MA 02726

Bryant Huff 277
Regal Dr.
Lawrenceville, GA

Linda Hughes
(Caretaker of
National Hobo
Museum in Britt
Iowa) 540 2 nd St.
Britt, Iowa 50423
641-843-3412 (8/00)

Idaho Tom
General Delivery
Anywhere U.S.A.

Indiana Hobo (David
Staggs) 2009 J. St.
Bedford, Indiana
812-279-8698 (8/99)

lnkman #63 (Tom
P.O. Box 322
Berwyn, IL 60402

Iowa Blackie
250 Linn Ave. So.
New Hampton, IA
Chickasaw County
60669 (8/00)

Irish Red (Frank X.
Gess) 1808 N. 67″
Milwaukee, WI 63208
414-475-1661 (8/00)
com (8/00)

The Irishman
(Timothy J. P.
313 Ash St. Box 187
Fenton, IA 50539
515-889-2889 (8/98)

Iron Horse Brad
(Villars) &
Rusty Rails (Josh
211 W. Miami Ave.
Logansport, IN
219-722-3846 (8/00)

25686 Nugget
El Toro, CA 92630

Rt. 1, Box 160
Staples, MN 66479
21″94-3672 (Ranch-

Jack Flash (Jack
Cahill) 97 1/2 E.
7th St. #2
New York, NY 10009
212-777-5866 (8/00)
jackfiashnyc@hotmai (8/00)

Rose Marie Jackson
403 W. Jackson St.
Knightstown, IN
46148 (7/93)

Stonewall Jackson
6007 Cloveriand
Brentwood, TN 37027

Terry & Ann Jackson
P.O. Box 197
Winton, MN 55796

om (8/98)
Chris Jay
No address
Voice Mail: 818-
377-5089 (8/98)

om (8/00)

1438 Angelus Ave.
Los Angeles, CA
213-483-7443 (8/98)

Andrea Jendro
2709 Elm St
Fargo, ND 58102

Bridget Jennings
24 Glen Rd.
Reading, MA 01867
800-316-9842 Ex.
0703 (8/97)

Jet Set John
Big Canyon Inn
P.O. Box 1311
Lower Lake, CA
95457 707-928-5631

601 Atlantic Ave.
Morris, MN 96267

Barb Johnson (Alex-
“Pockets”) 330
Adams St.
Tracy, MN 56176
507-629-4891 (8/99)
et (8/99)

Harvey Johnson
P.O. Box 401
Penryn, CA 95663

Kim Jones
7645 Bradburn Blvd.
Westminster, CO
80030 (12/97)
407-438-9316 (Voice
Mail- 1/97)

Junction, The
27 Leonardo Lane
Santa Cruz, CA
95064 408-427-5581

Jungle Jack (Jack
Van Sise) 1827
Hewett Ave.
St. Paul, MN 66104
612-644-1624 (8/00)

Jeff Just
213 glh St. S La
Crosse, WI 64601-
4146 (1997)

Kansas Ghost (Jim
2426 Shawnee Dr.
Great Bend, KS
67630 (8/95)

Emmett Kelly Jr.
P.O. Box 1068
Tombstone, AZ 86638

Marge & Cliff
6548 S. Oak Park
Chicago, IL 60638-

Ken The Storyteller
920 Collins Rd.
Sedro Woolley, WA
98284 360-856-0702

Morgan Kennedy
P.O. Box 482
Hadley, MA 01002-
0482 (8/97)

Keystone Bob
70 S. Pioneer Ave.
Trucksville, PA
570-696-4927 (8/00)
t (8/00)
Kid Philly (see:
Philly Kid)
Knotman (Horace
Hampton Jr.) 358
Riverside Dr.
Gadsden, AL 35903
205-546-5525 (8/96)

Bill Knotts

Vickie Kral 1898
Hwy 1
Martelle, IA 52305-
9619 (8/98)

Brynn Kusic
30 Leonardo Lane
Santa Cruz, CA
95064 408-426-3975
304-242-9240 (WV)

Lakeshore Charlie
(Charles & Pat
750 Burr Rd.
Wauseon, OH 43567
419-335-7404 (8/00)

Joan & Jerry
Lamfers 113 Ist St.
Britt, IA 50423

Mike Leannah
(“Laughing Bear”)
522 Grant Ave.
Sheboygan, WI 53081
920-467-4862 (8/99)

Carmen Lech 1261 W.
Eugene, OR 97402

Wylie Lenz
P.O. Box 540304
Houston, TX 77254-
0304 (8/99)

Leon (Mike Commons)
41 Stevens Rd.
Eudora, KS 66025

Liberty Justice
(Jerry Justice) &
Lady In Waiting
(Brender Justice) &
Pookie (Grand Baron
of Hobo Mutts)
8425 Sterling
Raytown, MO 64138
816-356-8049 (8/00)
Caboose (General
Tiptonville, TN
38079 (8/00)

Lil Princess Sarah
(Hilbert) (Parents-
Gary & Jane) 84 6th
St. SE
Britt, IA 50423

641-843-4555 (8/00)
sarah –

Lit’i Bear (Marc
Free Radio Austin
1807 Salina St.
Austin, TX 78767
512-457-9011 (8/99)
374-4457 (8/99)
com (8/00)

Little Hobo (Harold
Rd 574
Coal Port, PA 16627
814-378-8944 (8/95)

Little Hobo Jr.
5622 Heming Ave.
Springfield, VA
703-440-1284 (8/95)

Little Hobo Photo

Harry & Ruth
Berndt) P.O. Box
Bridgman, Ml 49106
616-465-6821 (8/94)

Duffy Lifflejohn
Liftlejohn Law
1940 Loomis St.
San Luis Obispo, CA

Sandi & Scott Lomme
P.O. Box 192
Mesa, CO 81643

Empress Vagabond Bo
Lump (Qadhosh
Aprjan Dabdaich
Ajda) 602 S. First
Sioux Falls, SD
57104 (8/00)
P.O. Box 1074
(mailing address)
Sioux Falls, SD
67101 (8/00)

Longlost Lee
P.O. Box 102
Blair, WI 54616

Long Looker Mic
(Mic Denfeld) & Sky
Hunter (Taylor
Hunter Denfeld)
4080 W. Norwood St.
Tucson, AZ 85742
520-744-4466 (8/00)

Luther The Jet
(Luther Gefte) 26
N. 7th St.
Madison, WI 53704
608-244-5493 (8/00)

Brian Mackey
c/o Hennepin County
701 Park Ave.
Minneapolis, MN

Jerry Mainer (Son
Of Bill Mainer
Hobo King)
4514 Chase Ave.
Bethesda, MD 20814

Mamma Jo (Jo
LeCount) (Uplift)
2221 Fleming St.
Blue Springs, MO
64015 816-228-8796
(8/00) work: 816-
241-0060 (8/00)

Dan Mannisto
331 Le Pare Circle
Buffalo Grove, IL
60089 (3/95)

Drummond Mansfield
2704 S. Rockport
Bloomington, IN
812-332-3488 (1/95)

Doug Masters
Post Office Box 914
Old Forge, NY 13420

Larry Martin
1604 Quintard Ave.
Anniston, AL 36201

Kevin, Jason,
Orvena (Caboose)
730 W. Benton
Pocatello, ID 83204

Senator John

RFD South Kirby
Concord, VT 05824
802-696-2665 (1/95)

David McLeod
c/o Tradewinds
6 Burlington Square
Burlington, VT

Craig Metz
P.O. Box 8146
Santa Cruz, CA
corn (8/98)

Midwest John
815-284-2298 (2/96)

Mile Post Mike
General Delivery
Anywhere U.S.A.

Dickie Miller
708 Walnut
Amory, MS 38821
662-256-9448 (9/00)

Shane Miller
2939 E. 14   Ih
Austin TX 78702

W.J. Miller
945 Mississippi St.
NE Fridley, MN
56432 (8/94)

Milwaukee Mike
(M.M. Hobbs, Doris,
l5W414 Fillmore St.
Elmhurst, IL 60126-
630-279-7842 (8/00)
work: 630-279-7772
car phone: 810-348-
4252 (8/00)
m (8/00)

Minneapolis Jewel
Porrazzo), Charmin
Dan, Gus
2514 Washington St.

P.O. Box 18495 (for
mail)/ Minneapolis,
MN 55418 612-781-
1145 (8/00)

Mississippi Jim
(Jim Carter)
P.O. Box 5844
University, MS
601-236-1469 (9196)

Missouri Jackalope
(Al Tovey)
RR# 1 Box 265
Lowry City, MO
64763-9649 417-644-
2862 (1/98)

Mister Bojangles
(Son- Skeeter) 305
Maddox Rd.
Otterbein, IN 47970
765-447-7069 (8/00)
765-583-4764 (8/00)

Monkey (Steffan
1085 Trentwood Rd.
Columbus, OH 43221
614-457-0409 (8/98)

W.0. Montgomery 108
E. Oak
P.O. Box 498
West, TX 76691

Titus Moody
Eye Shadow
1626 North Wilcox
Suite 348
Hollywood, CA 90028

Mousie & Zach
(Karen & Dixie)
4688 Daywalt Rd.
Sebastopol, CA
95472 (8198)

Doug Moylan 1446
Short St.
James Island
Charleston, SC
803-795-2564 (9/97)

David Murphy
264 Elizabeth St.
New York, NY 10012
212-946-5251 (8/98)
du (8/98)

P.O. Box 358
North Freedom, WI
800-930-1385 (7/97)
608-522-4261 (7/97)
Erin Myers
1132 Woodview Drive
Burr Ridge, IL
630-789-2860 (8/98)

Tammy Myers
419 N. Maple St.
Lot 9
North Freedom, WI
53951 (8/96)

Namagogin Kid
(Richard Gilbert)
506 Kennan Rd.
Huntsville, AL
36811 206-859-1084

National Hobo
P.O. Box 706
Nisswa, MN 56468
218-963-7667 (4/96)

National Hobo
Foundation &


51 Main Ave. SO
P.O. Box 143
(mailing address)
Britt, Iowa 50423
641-843-9104 (8/00)

Jim Nelson (mayor
of Britt Iowa)
170 Main Ave. SO
(city hall)
70 Main Ave. NO
Britt, Iowa 50423
city hall: 641-843-
4433 (8/00)
work: 641-8434658

Willie Nelson
c/o Freddy Fletcher
Recording Studio
Rt. 1 Briarcliff
Spicewood, TX 78669

New York Greenie
(Euan Greene) 4071
Carpenter Rd.
Verona, NY 13478-
315-363-0549 (8/99)

New York Maggie
(Malone) c/o Leigh
Malone 6755 Paul
Mar Dr.
Lantana, FL 33462-
3941 (8/00)

New York Ron
(Ronald De Salvo
#1 1829)
(must use his real
name &
inmate# in address)
3800 ULM North
Frontage Rd. Great
Falls, MT 59404

New York Slim (John
4186 Old Enterprise
Rd. Upper Marlboro,
MD 20772 301-249-
3637 (8/99)
(study- 8/99)

Night Train Express
(radio show) Lit’i
c/o Free Radio
Austin- 97.lFM P.O.
Box 101
Austin, TX 787XX
(voicemail- 8/99)

Brian Nizera
2782 Kincaid St.
Eugene, OR 97409

NoDoubt (Dave)
1400 Neil Ave. #B2
Columbus, OH 43201
614-291-0236 (8/00)
32476 N. Roundhead
Solon, OH “139
parents: 440-349-
4848 (8/00)
tollfree voicemail:

Nomad (Ron Joyner)
2358 Leo Woods Rd.
Cedar Grove, TN
38321 (2/96)

North Bank Fred
24907 lst St.
Edgewood, CA 96094
916-938-3711 (7/95)
com (8/95)

Nugget (Gerry
P.O. Box 26396
Shoreview, MN 65126

Oats (Cliff
10” Linden Ave.
Deerfield, IL 60015
847-945-7598 (8/00)
.com (8/00)

Sienna Alexandra
2610 Giffen Ave.
Santa Rosa, CA
96407 707-528-7738
u (8/99)
Larry (Loco Larry)
& Charlotte
( – Charlotte)
O’Briant 210
5@SAve.  So.
Amory, MS 38821
662-266-9133 (8/00)
om (8100)

Ohio Hobo (Tom
P.O. Box 35222
Canton, OH 44735

Ohio Ned
201 Hoosier St.
North Vernon, IN
47265 (9/96)

Ohio Tom (Tom
5626 Co. Rd. 220
Antwerp, OH 46813
419-268-3081 (8/00)
419-268-2439 (8/00)

Old Ed (Griesel)
Rt. I Box 106a
Montrose, WV 26283
304-636-4013 (8/96)
Old Kids On The
Block (Daryl & Opal
Walker & Ralph
P.O. Box 145
What Cheer, IA
60268-0146 (8/00)

Omni Jim (Jim
Engeseth) 307 Oak
Mt. Horeb, WI
63572-1741 (2/96)

David Orenge
908 S. Fillmore St.
St. Louis, MO 63122
314-822-8961 (8/98)
3916 Orloff Ave.
Bronx, NY 10463
718-549-5877 (8/98)

James Osborne

Arno A. Pace, #B-2
7095 Maple Village
Fairview, TN 37062-
9224 (8/97)

Joe Packard
4510 N. 1 llh Ave.
Phoenix, AZ 85013
(8/98) 234-3811

Rik Palieri (Totem
66 Koza’s Run
Hinesburg, VT 05461
802-482-3185 (8/00)

Papa Bear
P.O. Box 13931
Denver, CO 80210
720-470-1915 (8/00)

Dixie Pavelka 740
3rd St. SW

Britt, Iowa 50423

Larry (“Cream City
Slim”) & Pat
3966 S. lst Place
Milwaukee, WI 53207
483-7306 (8/00)

Penny Pincher (Rev.
Dubuque Rescue
Mission 398 Main
St./P.O. Box 147
Dubuque, IA 52004-
0147 (11/96)

Barbara Peftit
1562 Catawba River
Fort Lawn, SC 29714
803-482-4819 (8/98)
Utah Phillips
P.O. Box 1235
Nevada City, CA
95959 (3198)

Philly Kid
P.O. Box 214
Pocopson, PA 19366-
0214 (8/00)

Pony Boy 710 Vic
Poplar Bluff, MO
63901 (8/95)

Nicholas Pope
503 “F” St.
Mountain Lake, MD
Box 170 Hampshire
P.O. Box 5001
Amhurst, MA 01002-
5001 (9/95)
301-334-4908 (9/95)

Pops (T.  O’Rourke)
P.O. Box 218
Apple River, IL
61001 (8/99)

Eldred Post
Box B
Golden, IL 62339
217-696-2598 (8/95)

Potomac Slim
(Stephen Gardner)
2923 N. Oxford St.
Arlington, VA 22207
Hampshire College
Box 618
P.O. Box 5001
Amhurst, MA 01002-
703-524-8283 (1/96)
school: 413-582-
5064 (6/97)
web page:
index.htmi (9/95)

Buzz Potter (Ed C.
Potter) P.O. Box
Nisswa, MN 56468
218-568-4373 (Home-
6/96) 218-963-7557
(Home- 5/96) 619-
372-4316 (Ca. 2/94)
fax: 218-963-0543

Preacher Steve
c/o Minneapolis
P.O. Box 18495
Minneapolis, MN
55418 (8/00)
Pretty Girl (& Just
Fucking Randy)
P.O. Box 1693
Long Beach, WA
98631 360-642-2996

Quiet John (Ross)
c/o Perry & Jill
Lamek 6991 N.
Crestwood Dr.
Milwaukee, WI 53209
(8/00) 414-351-6857

Quiet Mike
P. 0. Box 130
Pennsburg, PA 18073
(Perkiomen School)
216-679-8256 (8/00)
t (8/00)
work: mwwampole@

Ed Radtke
P.O. Box 704
Yellow Springs, OH
937-767-9979 (8/97)
937-767-2103 (8/97)
937-767-1924 (Tom
Self- 8/97)

Shayla Rae

c/o Buckwheat 536
SE 72 nl St.
Gainesville, FL
352-377-7867 (8/00)

Railroad Bob
19651 2381h St.
Eikerder, IA 52043

Rail Ranger (Alan
Mac Fariane) 2667 7
Ih Ave.
Sweetwater, NJ
08037 (8/00) 609-
965-4396 (8/00)

Rail Rookie (Leo
179 Rainbow Dr.
Livingston, TX
888-757-7701 Ex.
43530 (7/00)

Rails (Charlie
P.O. Box 6220
Evanston, IL 60204-
5220 (3/95)

Rambling Mike &
Biondie (Tracy)
40 First Ave. SE
Britt, IA 50423
641-843-4685 (8/99)
Rambling Rose (Rose
Dahlin) 19016
Bockman Rd.
Marengo, IL 60162
815-236-3946 (8/00)

Rambling Rudy
403 W. Lincoln Wy
P.O. Box 316
(mailing address)
Shawneetown, IL
618-269-3366 (8/00)

Al Ramon
103 W. Ventura St.
Ventura, IA 50482
515-829-3709 (1/95)

Rapid Bob
(Grundell) & TK
4993 Coventry Pkwy.
Fort Wayne, IN
46804 219-432-0440

Rapid T (Ray
32923 Cromwell
Solon, OH 44139

Dirk Raschke &
Media Park Sud
Sachsenring 2-4
D 50677 Koin
West Germany
fax: 0049-221-
314711 (8/94)

Red Bird Express
(Karl Teller)
P.O. Box 556
Spinnerstown, PA
(Sept.- March only)
redbird –

Redlight Kramer
1518 Pratt Ave.
Huntsville, AL
35801 205-639-4389

General Delivery
Anywhere U.S.A.

Ricardo (Rick
424 St. Paul St.
St. Peter, MN 66082

Ringo (John Borror)
2024 E. Plum St.
New Castle, IN
47362 (7/97)

P.O. Box 2651
Iowa City, IA 52244
319-368-0833 (8/00)
.com (8/00)

Road Warrior (Rod
RR #I, Box 161
Perry, KS 66073

Roadhog USA (Don De
5744 Dunsmuir Ave.
Dunsmuir, CA 96025

Rock Island Rose &
(Diane & Larry
Smith) 9409 13th
St. W.
Rock Island, IL
61201 (12/96)

Roger Beer Barrel
Champ Wood 1972
1714 13″ Ave. SW
Cedar Rapids, IA
319-366-2892 (8/00)

Roger the Barber
(Roger Korpi)
1980 E. Main SP 54
Barstow, CA 92311
619-256-0636 (1/96)

Ted Runyan
950 Southridge
Greens Blvd.
Ft. Collins, CO
80526 (9/00)

Rust Bucket (Bob
Greene) 3 Carriage
Newcumberiand, PA
717-774-3218 (9/95)

Danny Ryan
20 Franklin Ave.
Saranac Lake, NY
618-891-9286 (8/00)
Drew Ryan
5246 Dredger Wy.
Orangevale, CA
95662 (8/97)

Frank Sabo
United Enterprise
7155 Linwood Rd.
Portage, OH 43451
419-287-4577 (4/95)

Sacramento Kid
(Adam De Bellis)
13250 ST #4
Sacramento, CA
95814 (1/98) 916-
988-9310 (12/93)

Santa Fe Bo (Bobb
Hopkins) 616 Scenic
Santa Barbara, CA
93103 806-666-1365

Santa Fe Jack
(Hayslett) & Choo
Choo Chewy (dog)
1109 Mound St.
Atcheson, KS 66002
913-367-4958 (8/99)

webpage: (no www)

Lisa Schenck
(Winnebago Bull)
645 W. “O” St.
Forest City, Iowa
50436 515-582-3608

1440 Harrison
San Francisco, CA
94102 (8/99)

Justine Schmidt
Discovery Channel
912 Lawton St.
Mc Lean, VA 22101
01-986-0444 X5494
om (7/95)

Tommy Schutzer
(Mother- Debi) 797
2nd St. SW
Britt, IA 60423

Ben Schwartz
P.O. Box 367
Piermont, NY 10968
718-242-6″3 (8/98)
m (8/98)

Serenity (National
Hobo Gospel
Debbi Batchelder,
Connie Hall,
Lynn Bearce
P.O. Box 14
Abbott Village, ME
207-876-2757 (8/00)

Seven (Burrell)

1407   81h St.
Ogden, UT 84404
801-394-9552 (8/96)

Joan Shannon 116
College Dr.
Forest City, IA
60436 (8197)

Alan Shaver
North East Kansas
Chamber Of Commerce
200 S. 10″ St.
P.O. Box 126
Atchison, KS 66002

Shenandoah (Bruce
P.O. Box 156
Round Hill, VA
22141 540-338-5443

Roger D. Sherman
809 N. Wright
Eagle Grove, IA
616-448-5497 (8/98)

Shoefly Jay
c/o Gryzewski
Dempwolffstrasse 13
21073 Hamburg
Germany (8/97)
53 Trolley Rd.
Peekskill, NY 10566
(Parents- 8/96)

railgrinder48@hotma (8/00)

Joe Showalter
89 7th St. SE
Britt, IA 50423
641-843-4052 (8/94)

Bill Shumate
1865 Laramer St.
Denver, CO XXXXX

SLC (see: Hobo SLC)

Slim Tim (Moylan)
1240 Lake Ave. Apt.
Rochester, NY 14613

Sio Freight Ben
(Benita Sankey)
815 Church St. #7
Jesup, IA 60648-
319-827-3813 (8/00)
March 22- Birthday
c/o Carole Van
circle@ (8100)

Smedes (Erin
9830 28   Ih  Ave.
North Plymouth, MN
56441 612-54″114

3055 Acres Trail
Chipley, FL 32428
904-638-5200 (8/00)
tollfree: 800-222-
5200 (8/00)

Socx (David
714 A E. Bell St.
Murfreesboro, TN
615-217-2495 (8/00)
tollfree: 877-340-
5534 (8/00)

Songbird (John Mc
P.O. Box 202
Bangor, W154614
608-486-4226 (8/98)

Space Man John
Route #1 Box 160
Staples, MN 56479
218-894-3672 (8/00)

Sparky (Timothy
14961 Maple
Clear Lake, IA
50428 (8/00)
615-357-0487 (8/00)

Spazz (Brian
2782 Kincaid St.
Eugene, OR 97406
641-342-6634 (8/98)

Spider John
2436 32nd Ave. So.
Minneapolis, MN
612-729-2766 (2/98)

Spike (Mike E.
1900 West 31st- Lot
Lawrence, KS 66046

Squaw (Carol)
710 Vic St.
Poplar Bluff, MO
63901 (8/95)

Squirrely Shirley
(Shirley & Jim
144 1″ St. SE
Britt, IA 60423
641-843-3908 (4/98)

886 W. Graceway
Napoleon, OH 43646
419-592-7806 (8/00)

Steppin (Patrick
504-348-3367 (7/96)
800-773-7002 (9/96)
(Nationwide Pager-
(Answering Svc.
m (7/96)

Andy Stern
236 Vanderbilt Ave.
Brooklyn, NY 11205

P.O. Box 221
Colts Neck, NJ
07722 (8/99)

Mrs. Arthur Stevens
2841 Highway 32
Chico, CA 95926

Heath Stevens
P.O. Box 1053
Santa Cruz, CA
408-429-2271 (8/98)
Helen F. Steward
910 E. Graceway
Napoleon, OH 43646
419-592-8917 (5/97)

Ryan Stewart
6922 Amador Valley
Dublin, CA 94568
839 (8/97)
Stony Footwalker
250 Main Ave. So.
Britt, IA 50423
641-843-4563 (8/00)

Bruce Strege
P.O. Box 249
Mound, MN 55463

Stretch (John
Wilson) &
Burlington (dog)
Anywhere USA (8/00)
com (8/00)

Jack Sullivan
224 N. 2 nd Ave. E.
Duluth, MN 55806
218-727-6429 (8/97)

Sunflower (Ashley
273 I’t St. SW
Britt, IA 50423
641-843-3633 (8/00)

Sunshine (Arvel
(1939 Britt Hobo
1752 Blodget Rd.
Mount Vernon, WA
98273 360-424-7671

Carol Swanson
(“Junk Box”)
1601 W. Sunnyside
Dr. #172
Phoenix, AZ 85029

Jon Swenson

7 Main Ave. No.
Britt, IA 60423

641-843-3894 (8/00)
fax: 641-843-4225
http://www.swensons. (8/00)

Rictor Swing
737 Bryann Circle
Ridgecrest, CA
619-939-6926 (7/95)
619-375-9137 (5/97)
Rod Sykora
Skinny) 3230
Aldrich Ave. No.
Minneapolis, MN
612-522-7989 (8/00)
com (8/00)

Tammy & Cisco
Rt. 1 Box 236-3
Staples, MN 56479
218-894-1797 (8/97)

Tanner City Kid &
Miki 14 Crane Ave.
West Peabody, MA
01960 978-745-8278
2880 (8/00)
com (8/00)

Tehachapi Bob
Rt. 2 Box 75-1
Muldrow, OK 74948

Texas Madman
Anywhere USA (8/00)
texas – madman –
1999@ (8/00)

Three Ring (see:
Jack Flash)

’39 Kid (Grant
Rogers) 15
Blackjack Dr.
Sedona, AZ 86361-
602-284-1303 (9/96)

Toledo Bogeymann
(D.A. Foos) 2755
Sardis St.
Kennesaw, GA 30144-
678-365-0521 (8/00)
(8/97) Kt4xf (Ham
Radio- 8/97)

Caroline Toth
176 Green St. #2
Cambridge, MA 02139

Karen Townsend
212 Ferry St.
Lacrosse, WI 50601
608-786-1822 (8/97)

Train Doctor (Paul
Norton) c/o Dvck
6022 S. Drexel #801
Chicago, IL 60637
773-288-6381 (8/00)

Trainman (Mark
P.O. Box 160
Black Canyon City,
AZ 85324
623-374-0646 (8/00)

Tramp Printer (Karl
Schwede) 26
Gustafson Ct.
Novato, CA 94947
2779 W. 8’h St.
Yuma, AZ 85364
415-892-0669 (8/00)

Treetop (Bob Mc
10498 River Rd.
Rixeyville, VA
22737 540-937-2117

Trigger Oleson
P.O. Box 483 504 E.
7th St.
Eudora, KS 66025

Kim Tschudy P.L.E.
Local Eccentric)
P.O. Box 416
New Glarus, WI
608-627-5637 (8/98)

TT (Tim Orr)
3721 Garden HWY.
Sacramento CA 95834
916-922-696; (1/98)

c/o Minneapolis
P.O. Box 18496
Minneapolis, MN
56418 (8/00)

Tumble (Eliza
Barrett) &
Hobo Hal (Glen
3274 26th St.
San Francisco, CA
94110 416-641-7747

Two Wheel Tramp
1129 W. Pikes Peak
Ave. Colorado
Springs, CO 80904

Uncle Freddy
(Liberator) & Betty
13620 61st Ave.
Plymouth, MN 55446
612-557-6633 (8/97)

Uplift Organization
(Homeless Aid)
P.O. Box 270176
Kansas City, MO
816-241-0060 (8/99)

Errol Lincoln Uys
9 Athens St.
Cambridge, MA 02138
(617) 491-5312
(8/00) (8/00)

Bill Vernon (Hobo
P.O. Box 287
Logansport, IN 46947
219-753-6388 (1/96)

Virginia Slim (Steve
110 Carbe Ct.
Richmond, VA
804-320-5393 (8/00)

Virginia Slim (west
(Virginia Hunter)
P.O. Box 291372
Los Angeles, CA
323-462-8552 (8/99)

Wackerco.ogden Randy
2147 Lincoln
Ogden, UT 84401
801-392-7290 (8/99)

Waesar (Jeremy
420 Market St. #64
Wilmington, NC 28401
balaclava –

Weatherman (James
P. 0. Box 6
Boalsburg, PA 16827
814-466-3093 (8/97) (8/95)

Carroll & Carol
2304 Georgia Ave.
Sheboygan, WI 63081
920-208-0603 (8/00)
et (8/00)

Wick (Jon McKnight)
P.O. Box 1793
El Prado, NM 87529

The Wild Man 716
37th St.
Des Moines, IA
50312-3207 (8/97)

Dick Williams
422 North Shore Dr.
Kansas City, MO

816-741-3751 (5/97)
work: 816-426-7485

20 16′ St. NE
Mason City, IA
60401 515-424-9967

Lester Willier 309
31 0″ St.
West Branch, IA
52358 319-643-5″6

C. Donald & Nan
1 01 Rainbow Dr.
Apt. 6256
Livingston, TX
77351 (8/98)
1110 S. Hwy. 80,
Spc. 3
Benson, AZ 85602
520-586-4317 (8/98)

Windy City Tom (Tom
Shafer) 2180
Pepperwood Ln.
Glendale Heights,
IL 60139 630-361-
1013 (8/00)
com (8/00)

Wisconsin Del
(Delbert & Chrissy
2312 Lombard Dr.
Cape Giradeau, MO
63701 573-332-0671
Del:cheroyeehobo@we (8/00)

Wobbley Fitz (Ed
Fitzgerald) 1210
Baron Ave.
St. Louis, MO 63138
314-741-1568 (8/97)

Wondering Wanda
160 Circle Drive
Springville, IA
52336 319-854-6236

Laura Zimmerman
10472 Scenic Cir.
Cupertino, CA 95014

A Reason To Keep 6th. Street & The Tenderloin Filled With Violent Beasts

A Reason To Keep 6th. Street & The Tenderloin Filled With Violent Beasts

Welcome To the First Annual Hate Crime Hall of Shame | August 30, 2001
IN THE SUMMER OF 1997, three white Michigan teenagers jumped a train, looking for fun and adventure. They found tragedy instead. When the threesome disembarked in a strange neighborhood, they found themselves face to face with a gang of armed black hooligans.
The gang killed fourteen-year-old Michael Carter on the spot. Fifteen-year-old Dustin Kaiser got a bullet in the head, yet somehow survived.
The third victim, a fourteen-year-old girl, suffered the worst fate. She was pistol-whipped and forced to perform oral sex on the gang. Afterwards, they shot her in the face. While the atrocity received some attention from local media, it did not make the national news. The six perpetrators were later captured, but were not charged with any hate crime.
Writing about this case in his 1999 book Hating Whitey and Other Progressive Causes, David Horowitz noted:
“The crime took place on July 21, 1997, but among the readers of this book, there will not be one in a hundred who has even heard of it, because as a hate crime, it was in a perverse sense politically incorrect. To notice that black people, as well as whites, can be responsible for vicious crimes of hate is improper. Hate crimes can only be committed by an oppressor caste; therefore, what happened in Michigan was not a hate crime at all.”
Thus was born “Politically Incorrect Crimes” – a new concept in American jurisprudence and a regular feature of David’s webzine. The feature was later renamed “Politically Correct Hate Crimes,” to reflect the fact that, when blacks kill whites, such acts are considered “politically correct” – even praiseworthy – by the leftist elite who run our law schools and criminology departments.
The name has changed, but the concept remains the same. Since February 2000, our “Politically Correct Hate Crimes” section has kept readers abreast of all the hate crimes your network news anchors don’t want you to know about, from the genocidal massacre of whites in Zimbabwe to the ex-NAACP leader beaten by fellow blacks because he dared to express pride in his native Southland’s Confederate heritage.
Just to clear up any confusion, we at FrontPage do not advocate prosecuting black people for hate crimes. We oppose hate-crime legislation altogether. When we point out the government’s failure to press hate-crime charges against certain black criminals, we do so only to expose the hypocritical sham that lies at the core of the hate-crime concept itself.
Some well-meaning black commentators, such as Earl Ofari Hutchinson and Clarence Page have bravely urged fellow blacks to support a more even-handed approach to hate-crime prosecution, in which black people are charged with hate crimes as readily as whites. But these writers, for all their good intentions, are trying to make a silk purse from a sow’s ear.
There is no place in a free society for “hate crime” laws. A prosecutor who probes deeply enough can pin a “hate crime” on anyone, as noted in my column, “Are You a Hate Criminal?”
A journalist can do the same. Whoever you are, given enough time and access to information about your private life, I guarantee that I can make you look like a racist, if I choose.
In a society that condones “hate crime” legislation, any person unfortunate enough to hurt, kill or even offend a person of another race in self-defense finds himself at the mercy of journalists and government bureaucrats who may or may not choose to demonize him, depending on their whim.
Take Bernhard Goetz. He shot and wounded four black youths who tried to mug him on a New York subway on December 22, 1984. The media and civil rights establishments branded Goetz a racist and demanded his head. He was jailed for possession of an unlicensed weapon, and slapped with a $43 million judgment from one of his attackers.
As FrontPage columnist John Perazzo notes in his book The Myths that Divide Us, Austin Weekes – a kind of black version of Goetz – had a far different experience. While riding a Brooklyn subway on the night of April 13, 1980, Weekes was accosted by two white teenagers who spat at him and said, “What are you looking at, nigger?” Weekes pulled a gun and shot one of them dead. A sympathetic grand jury let him walk.
With every major newspaper and television network beating the “hate crime” drum, our “Politically Correct Hate Crime” section may seem a feeble retort. But an old fable says that a boy once dared to call the Emperor naked – and an empire was forced to agree.
Our first annual Hate Crime Hall of Shame presents many shocking stories that first appeared in our “Politically Correct Hate Crime” section – as well as some that did not.
For this special edition we are indebted to many people: to our former web designer Rick Phillips who first conceived the idea of publishing a parody or retort to MTV’s one-sided hate-crime extravaganza last January; to Associate Editor Jennifer Kabbany who suggested asking all our FrontPage columnists to contribute to the special issue; and to Associate Editor Scott Rubush who compiled and edited the Hall of Shame.
Most of all, we are indebted to our war leader David Horowitz, editor-in-chief of FrontPage. When the passions of our day have subsided and the history books are written, I think they will call David Horowitz a man who spoke the truth when all around him fell dumb with fear.
The Hate Crime Hall of Shame is David’s gift to the world – a somber gift, brimming with blood and tears. Yet it is also a talisman of hope, filled with the power of truth which alone can heal our divided land.
In a time of cowardice, David has charged us with courage. In a time of silence, he has given us a voice. Thank you, David. We are proud to serve in your army.

The Fate of 6th. Street, & why City Planner keep it a Cess Pool
Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Upset about a racial name-calling that occurred earlier that night, several black men savagely beat a random white man who had had nothing to do with the incident. He slipped away from his attackers, but they forced him to swim into a lake to escape. He drowned. The three men were sentenced to less than a year in jail.3
Massachusetts. Four black men decided to murder the next white person they saw. That unlucky soul was a college student from Boston, whom the men stabbed to death.4
Indiana. A black man was arrested for killing seven white people with a shotgun. He explained that he murdered his victims due to his “deep-rooted hatred” of white people.5
Miami, Florida. The leader of a black supremacist sect (i.e., the “Yaweh ben Yaweh cult”) was convicted of the murders of several white people. He ordered his followers to kill any and all “white devils.” They killed at least seven white people, bringing back body parts to their leader.6
North Carolina. Seven black men kidnapped a white woman, raped her, put her in a tub of bleach, shot her five times, and dumped her body. The murderers said they did this for racial reasons.7
North Carolina. Four black teenagers lured a white, ten-year-old girl into an empty house. “There, they sodomized her, strangled her with a cable wire, and beat her to death with a board. In the past few weeks, the trials in the Tiffany Long case have received extensive coverage in the North Carolina press. But with two of the three defendants already sentenced to lifelong prison terms, and the third now standing trial, the national media have all but ignored the story. Only the Associated Press has reported on the trials, in a single, cursory piece. The AP, of course, failed to mention the race of the people involved — an oversight it seldom if ever committed in the case of Amadou Diallo.”8
Boulder, Colorado. After discovering that one of their members had never had intercourse with a white woman, an Asian gang went looking for one. When they found a white University of Colorado student, the six men gang raped her in their minivan for two hours. At their trial, “Detectives described the woman’s night of terror, including repeated threats to kill her.“The woman leaped out of the minivan after one of the men raped her. Naked, she sprinted across Lefthand Canyon Road before Steve Yang tackled her, authorities said.“‘They were all screaming at her, calling her names and hitting her,’ Detective Jane Harmer testified.“Yang put her in a headlock and dragged her back into the van, where she was raped repeatedly, Harmer said.“‘It was a free-for-all,’ Harmer testified.“One man threatened to ‘cut and burn her,’ and another put a gun barrel to the back of her head when they released her, Harmer said.”9
Kansas City, Missouri. An Ethiopian immigrant shot two white coworkers — killing one and critically injuring the other — at his workplace, then turned the gun on himself. At his residence, police found a three-page, signed note he had written in which he railed at “black blood sucker supreme white people” for oppressing him and black people in general.10
New York City. In a Midtown office building, a white woman was assaulted, raped, and anally raped by a black man who called her racist names during the attack. Police refused to label it a hate crime.11
Alexandria, Virginia. A black man walking through a neighborhood went over to a white eight-year-old boy playing in his great-grandparents’ front yard and slit the child’s throat, killing him. A witness says that the attacker shouted racial epithets during the attack, and the main suspect in the case owns anti-white hate literature and had written a note about killing white children. He had been previously arrested for attacking an unarmed white stranger with a hammer. (During the attack, he called his victim “Whitey.”)12 This particular case provides a perfect example of the terrible way that anti-white hate crimes are handled. First, the investigators decided not to tell police officers about the racial aspects of the case, even while the police were conducting a manhunt to find the boy’s killer. When this was revealed by the Washington Post, city council member Joyce Woodson defended this withholding of information from the cops on the front line. “What they did was proper. We already live in a racially charged world.” The Democratic mayor of Alexandria implied his agreement: “Efforts to sensationalize this investigation will only hurt this investigation.”13To make things even stranger, the FBI offered to send agents and a fugitive task force to help with the manhunt, but the local police rejected the offer. They also refused the help of the FBI’s profilers, forensics experts, and others.14Eventually, the police arrested a suspect who was reportedly tied to the scene by DNA evidence. In another bizarre move, the Justice Department — which had acknowledged that it was monitoring the case — declined to prosecute the killing as a hate crime. The government’s prosecutor in the case cannot charge the victim with a hate crime. “There’s no applicable hate crimes law in Virginia,” he explained.15An editorial in the Washington Times pointedly commented on the deafening silence surrounding the brutal child-murder: “Has anyone seen Jesse Jackson around lately? Kweisi Mfume? Al Sharpton? For persons whose political antennae are ordinarily so sensitive that they can pick up racial tremors a thousand miles away, they seem to have overlooked a possible hate crime right here in the vicinity of the nation’s capital.”Even though all of the above incidents occurred in the last ten years, anti-white hate crimes are not new. The Village Voice writes of “the wave of random street killings that terrorized San Francisco in 1973. The ‘Zebra killers’ struck without warning, murdering whites at night. Most victims were shot. One was raped, another beheaded. Four young black Muslims were arrested in 1974 and charged with 14 murders, seven assaults, one rape, and an attempted kidnapping. The Zebra killers were convicted in 1976.”16
The Exceptions That Prove the Rule
On extremely rare occasions a vicious black-on-white hate crime does make the national news. This was the case with the Central Park jogger and Colin Ferguson. Just why these two violent acts of hatred bubbled up into mass consciousness — while others that are at least as heinous have been ignored — is not clear. Nevertheless, it is instructive to examine them because, though they received wide attention, they were still treated differently than their white-on-black counterparts. The Central Park jogger, you’ll recall, was a white woman who was gang raped and beaten almost to death by a gang of black and Hispanic teenagers in 1989. This incident introduced the term “wilding” to the nation. As Nicholas Stix described it: “The boys dragged her 200 yards to a secluded place, where they fractured her skull with a plastic-wrapped, four-foot lead pipe, and some large rocks. The boys ripped the Jogger’s clothes off of her, tying her hands behind her back with her sweatshirt, gagging her, and taking turns beating, stomping, and the unconscious woman, as 75 per cent of her blood oozed into the Central Park grass. They left her, with bruises, welts, and wounds literally from head to toe, for dead.”17
Despite the fact that physical evidence, eye witnesses, and video-taped confessions by the attackers in their parents’ presence all pointed to the young men’s guilt, protestors outside the courtroom referred to the trial as a “lynching.”
The assault was officially declared not to be a hate crime, and some influential black media and commentators — including Al Sharpton and two of New York’s African-American newspapers — declared that prosecuting the attackers was an act of racism. Some even questioned whether the attack really happened. Despite the fact that physical evidence, eyewitnesses, and videotaped confessions by the attackers in their parents’ presence all pointed to the young men’s guilt, protestors outside the courtroom referred to the trial as a “lynching.”18
Four years later, a black man named Colin Ferguson opened fire inside a commuter train in Long Island. Six people died and nineteen were injured. “Police recovered from Ferguson’s pocket a handwritten note titled, ‘Reasons for This.’ It expressed hatred towards whites, Asians, and ‘Uncle Tom blacks,’ and stated that Nassau County, Long Island was chosen as ‘the venue’ because of its predominantly white population.”19 How did politicians and commentators respond to this racially motivated bloodbath? President Clinton ignored the racial aspects, instead using the incident as an excuse to once again call for tighter gun control laws. Commentators either denied that it was a hate crime or admitted that it was but then tied themselves in knots to explain it away. The Dallas Morning News interviewed a sociologist who “conceded that Ferguson picked his victims on the basis of race, but did not think this justified the hate crime label.”20
A scholarly book on hate crimes (discussed more below) notes: “When the Reverend Louis Farrakhan, Nation of Islam leader, mentioned Colin Ferguson, the Long Island Railroad mass murderer, at a rally in New York City, the audience cheered. In a speech before an audience of 2,000 at Howard University, Nation of Islam spokesman Khalid Muhammed drew loud applause when he stated, ‘I love Colin Ferguson, who killed all those white folks on the train.’”21
The Overall Numbers
When presented with these horrifying violent acts committed against whites for racial reasons, some people respond with the argument that these occurrences must be flukes. They’re just isolated incidents, this line of reasoning goes; surely the overall statistics show that whites attack blacks much more often than blacks attack whites. This is a “straw man” argument: Even if it were true, it would still not affect the fundamental point that anti-black hate crimes receive national coverage and trigger political denunciations, while anti-white crimes are ignored. Besides, isn’t the media all about reporting flukes? As they say in the news business, “Dog bites man” is not a story, but “Man bites dog” is. Or, to use another example, an airplane landing safely is not news — an airplane crashing is. So if these instances of anti-white violence were incredibly rare, that would be even more of a justification for covering them, not less. But these instances aren’t rare. The statistics show this.The book Hate Crimes: Criminal Law and Identity Politics is a revelatory study of the phenomena. It was coauthored by James B. Jacobs, who is the director of the Center for Research in Crime and Justice at New York University and a professor of law at the NYU School of Law, and Kimberly Potter, an attorney who was formerly a research fellow at the Center for Research in Crime and Justice. Published by Oxford University Press as part of their Studies in Crime and Public Policy series, its credibility is as impeccable as possible.
The loudly promoted “hate crime epidemic” in America is an illusion.
Jacobs and Potter examine many of the myths and problems surrounding the idea of hate crimes, showing, among other things, that the loudly promoted “hate crime epidemic” in America is an illusion. Hate crimes have never been more than a tiny fraction of overall violent crime, and the numbers have actually been holding steady or decreasing in recent years.22
The authors also reveal the surprising statistics regarding interracial crime. It turns out that 80 percent of violent crimes involve an attacker and victim of the same race. “For the 20 percent of violent crimes that are interracial, 15 percent involve black offenders and white victims; 2 percent involve white offenders and black victims; and 3 percent involve other combinations.”23
These statistics include all instances of interracial violent crime, not just those labeled “hate crimes.” To see the rates of anti-white and anti-black violence that have been categorized as hate crimes, one only needs to take a cursory look at the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reports specifically on hate crime to see that blacks commit them at a higher rate than whites.24
According to the US Census Bureau’s most recent projection (for Sept. 1, 2000), 82.2 percent of the US population is white, while 12.8 percent is black. If Hispanics are excluded from both counts, then the numbers are 71.4 percent white and 12.2 percent black.25
In the most recent year for which FBI data are available (1998), we see that there were 2,084 anti-black hate crimes committed by whites, and 567 anti-white hate crimes committed by blacks. Though the absolute number of anti-black crimes is 3.6 times as high as anti-white crimes, keep in mind that there are almost six times as many whites as blacks in the US. To get a true picture, we need to look at the proportional rates.
Eighty percent of violent crimes involve an attacker and victim of the same race.
If we divide each population by the number of crimes committed by individuals in that population, we see that there was one anti-black attack for every 94,436 white people, but one anti-white attack for every 59,172 black people. Thus, the rate of black-perpetrated hate crimes against whites is approximately 1.6 times higher than the rate of white-perpetrated hate crimes against blacks.
Looking at hate crimes involving death and rape tells an even starker story. In 1998 five white people were killed in hate crimes, while three black people were killed in the same period. During that year, four women of each race were raped as a result of racial hatred. If these incidents were occurring between the races at equal rates based on their populations, we’d expect to see six times as many blacks killed and raped by whites as the opposite. Yet we see an equal number of rapes and almost twice as many anti-white slayings.
How can we ever hope to bridge the racial divide if we won’t even look at the hard facts of racism?
The Final Analysis
Although these publicly available but long-ignored facts are incendiary, the purpose of this article is certainly not to stir up even more racial animosity. There’s already too much as it is. But how can we ever hope to bridge the racial divide if we won’t even look at the hard facts of racism? Is anything good accomplished when one type of hate crime receives nationwide attention, while another type of hate crime — which occurs at higher rates — is swept under the rug? It’s obvious that the media, politicians, and civil rights groups have an agenda: They want to keep us ignorant of the realities of race relations. They present us with the completely untrue view that only white people commit hate crimes, or, if it must be admitted that blacks also commit hate crimes, they are seen as isolated incidents, bizarre anomalies that somehow don’t qualify as hate crimes.The reality of the situation is that we’re all attacking each other. A look at the FBI’s hate crime statistics will pry the scales from your eyes. Besides the figures already mentioned, you’ll see that Native Americans and whites are attacking each other in equal numbers, blacks are attacking Asians, Asians are attacking Jews, multi-racial groups are attacking blacks, and on and on.
The issue of violent racial hatred is much more complex, universal, and disturbing than the simple-minded white-on-black paradigm that is universally touted.
People are even committing hate crimes against members of the same race. In 1998, for example, the FBI logged 123 hate crimes committed by whites against other whites, 64 by blacks against blacks, and a few by Asians against Asians and Native Americans against Native Americans. The reason for these apparently bizarre phenomena is that the “races” are not as monolithic as we commonly assume. They are divided into various ethnicities, nationalities, and other subdivisions, and these groups often hate each other.26So it’s not unheard of to have hate crimes between people of British and Italian descent (both considered white), between African Americans and Haitian Americans (both black), between people of Japanese and Korean descent (both Asian), or between members of different Native American tribes.
Clearly, the issue of violent racial hatred is much more complex, universal, and disturbing than the simple-minded white-on-black paradigm that is universally touted. We need to accept this fact as individuals, then pressure the media, politicians, and other opinion-makers to accept it, too, and start telling the sticky truth about the situation.
Perazzo, John. (1999). The Myths That Divide Us: How Lies Have Poisoned American Race Relations. Briarcliff Manor, NY: World Studies Books, p. 58.
. Womble, Shannon. (1999). “2 jailed in killing motivated by race.” Florida Times-Union, Sept. 4.
Op cit., Perazzo, p. 61, referencing: unattributed (1992). “3 blacks sentenced in ‘90 racial attack.” Chicago Tribune, May 20.
Ibid., p. 59, referencing: Barnacle, Mike. (1991). “A double standard for race crimes?” Asbury Park Press, March 7.
Ibid., referencing: Knight-Ridder News. (1991). “AWOL Marine in Indiana admits seven racial killings, sources say.” Miami Herald, Feb. 2.
Ibid., referencing: unsigned. (1991). “The killing class.” Miami Herald, Feb. 24; Gehrke, Donna. (1992). “ ‘I felt power’ while slaying 6 people, former Yaweh ‘death angel’ testifies.” Miami Herald, Jan. 30.
Op cit., Perazzo, p. 173, referencing: Edwards, Wayne. (1994). “Three strikes?” Destiny, Feb.
Unsigned. (2000). “Tiffany Long: Too white to be a victim.” FrontPage Magazine, Feb. 29.
McCullen, Kevin. (1999). “Rape suspects were seeking white woman.” Denver Rocky Mountain News, Sept. 30.
Associated Press. (1999). “Kansas City airport shooting victims identified.” Jefferson City News Tribune, Nov. 22.
Weiss, Murray, et al. (1999). “Cops fume over lousy video of 6th Ave. .” New York Post, Dec. 22.
Davis, Patricia. (2000). “Manhunt in Alexandria for killer of 8-year-old.” Washington Post, April 20; Drake, John & Ellen Sorokin (2000a). “Stabbing probers kept race a secret.” Washington Post, July 12; unsigned. (2000). “The hate crime that wasn’t.” Washington Times, July 12.
Op cit., Drake & Sorokin (2000a); Sorokin, Ellen & John Drake. (2000b). “Boy’s stabbing draws attention about race.” Washington Times, July 13.
Op cit., Drake & Sorokin (2000a).
Rubush, Scott. (2000). “Black hate on trial.” FrontPage Magazine, Oct. 26.
Noel, Peter. (1999). “Bring me the head.” Village Voice, Feb. 3-9.
Stix, Nicholas. (2000). “Remembering the Central Park jogger.” FrontPage Magazine, July 12.
Jacobs, James B. & Kimberly Potter. (1998). Hate Crimes: Criminal Law and Identity Politics. New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 140-2.
Ibid., p. 139.
Ibid., pp. 45-64, especially pp. 63-4.
Ibid., pp. 16-17.
The FBI’s Uniform Crime Reports are online at
US Census Bureau. “Resident Population Estimates of the United States by Sex, Race, and Hispanic Origin: April 1, 1990 to July 1, 1999, with Short-Term Projection to September 1, 2000.”
Op cit., Jacobs & Potter, pp. 18-9, Perlmutter, Philip. (1999). Legacy of Hate: A Short History of Ethnic, Religious, and Racial Prejudice in America. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharp

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The Minna Street Recycler
i kinda thought i had seen it all. and i figured if i hadn’t seen it all then i had seen pretty damn close to it all. but i guess the old dirty alley still has a surprise or two left in her.
it was a pleasant wednesday afternoon. hearing some noise outside i poked out my head to see what was up. hmmm. a naked guy. i wonder where this is going?
what else is there to say about a guy high on smack who is being watched while he is naked and masturbating, lying on minna street between 5th and 6th, at 4:30 on a wednesday afternoon, with a wine bottle shoved up his ass, and with the needles in his hand which he had just “cleaned” using the puddle on the street?

The Minna Street Recycler

Salvatore Russo, friend of Kit Kitiko , convicted Crank Dealer, Marin County.
You really have a Sorry Life, Russian Friend, screwing over Colourerd Niggers.
Posted by boxcarro at 3:20 AM No comments: Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest

Stacy & Witbeck, Inc.

← Shooting On Natoma Street
Head in the Clouds . . . →
THIS YOUNG MAN WAS A BLATANT YUPPIE WHITE SUPREMACIST, but Somebody THREW HIM OFF HIS ROOF ONTO HIS HEAD! His Skull was Crushed & He almost died. He is now Severely Mentally Challenged. As a GODLY MAN I know HIS KARMA almost killed him.

Posted on Fri 21-Oct-2005 by dewey
in 2005 and 2006, while the 6th street beautification project was underway, along with the construction of the plaza hotel/apartments for the homeless, there was a vacant lot in the 400 block of natoma street (between 6th and 5th streets) which was used for a construction staging area and as a storage area for some heavy equipment, street barriers, and the like. contractors stacy and witbeck were doing some of the work in the area.
just because you don’t shoot up doesn’t mean you can’t bring your own brand of class into the world, as demonstrated by this guy (these images were taken on friday, october 21, 2005, at about 3:30 pm):
Whatchoo lookin at? How ’bout a little of this? Stacy and Witbeck vest Stacy and Witbeck truck
Stacy and Witbeck truck and employee
i was on my patio, which is above the vacant lot, and saw a stacy and witbeck employee urinate out in the open, even though there was a port-o-potty a few feet away. i hollered at him to “use the port-o-potty the next time”. instead of saying something easy, like “sure”, he gave me the finger, hollered back “fuck you” and then began a short tirade by calling me “homo”, “fag”, and “faggot”. such a man. at one point during his tirade he grabbed his crotch and thrust it in my general direction. then he walked toward his stacy and witbeck truck which was parked on the sidewalk (illegally, i might add). he then grabbed the chain-link fence and started gyrating his hips back and forth, again in my general direction. sigh, sometimes, you just wish they were cuter. and smarter. i mean, the effing port-o-potty was was right-over-there.
i called beau murdock at stacy and witbeck, to ask how it was that city funds were used to pay the salary of such a homophobe (or closet case, not sure which). but beau never gave me the courtesy of a call back.
so, for the class that is this guy, and for the class that is beau murdock for never getting back to me, stacy and witbeck get a puddle on the old dirty alley walk of shame™.
2 Responses to Stacy & Witbeck, Inc.
Julian says:
Fri 25-Feb-2011 at 20:17
I lived in that area (moss st near 7th and howard) and I just want to tell you that you seem like a whinny yuppy with too much time on your hands. Yuppies always feel they have more of a right to be someplace simply because they have more money. Everyone knows how that neighborhood is. If you don’t like it, leave. Put you camera away and stop exploiting people for your own amusement. People who have obviously hit rock bottom. You won the game of life dude. Do you really have to shit on people who’ve failed? Your tone on this site is just gross.
John says:
Sat 19-Mar-2011 at 10:53
Nah don’t listen to this guy, this shit is too funny. Keep up the good work!
Old And Famous says:
Your comment is awaiting moderation.
Sun 26-Apr-2015 at 02:17
The Sickness of Young Americoons is appalling & Sick. You won the game of life dude. Do you really have to shit on people who’ve failed? Your tone on this site is just gross. And your Behaviour Exhibits a Serious DSM III Mental Disorder, which is also a Serious Criminal Offense.
I ascertain that you have moved away, weren’t you hospitalised for a while? It is awful that you were hurt so badly, yet Jeff in the Senica hides his Crack E Cheese CAM & Is Extremely Careful about not having his “True Identity: known, on 6th. Street it is (As You Realise now) a Tradition to Mess Up People such as you, Poor Fool! You Put your Yuppie Ass Face in Their Business, & They’re faces in the Public’s Face; Your Face gets Broken.
Thrown off your Roof, Skull Crushed, now you are on Social Security Disability. . .I saw you volunteering at Senior Meals place on Turk Street.
Yelling at people as you video them shooting dope shows “Who The DOPE Really is!”
I am John from Waco Texas, & I approve the Yuppie Extermination & Genocide Treaty signed by George H.W. Bush & William J. Clinton. . ..Agenda 21.
Reply These Guys Threw Him off the Roof & Crushed His Head! there’s much to be said about the sro auburn hotel that is 481 minna street, and of the occupants, and of the management. but there’s one particular resident you can always be assured of noticing. even before he moved into the place he could often be found outside the building, hollering at the other tenants. and now that he lives there? well, more of the same. this has been going on for at least 18 months. and we’re not talking about a quick “hey, come here”. we’re talking about extended tirades of 20-30 minutes or more, at all hours of the morning, day and night. loud. grating. non-stop.
← Shooting on Old Dirty Alley
take my trash, please … →
SOMA Alley Beautification Project Phase II
Posted on Tue 12-Jul-2011 by zhuzhitzu
YES!!!!!! The time has come for the Phase II of the SOMA alley beautification project. This project will clean and improve sidewalks and streets on Natoma, Minna, Shipley and Tehama between 5th and 6th Street. Having completed the alleys between 6th and 7th just a few months ago representitives of the San Francisco Redevelopment Agency and the Department of Public Works gave an overview of the project, set to begin construction in January 2012 and set for completion in June or July of 2012. Scope of work includes planting of trees and shrubs, new asphalt with decorative imprinted patterns, raised crosswalks and chicanes. The project is being described as serving two purposes, improving aesthetics of the area and making the area a more pedestrian friendly area.
No mention made of safety concerns in the neighborhood as of late.
This entry was posted in minna street, natoma street, the streets, Uncategorized and tagged Phase II. Bookmark the permalink.
One Response to SOMA Alley Beautification Project Phase II
mon says:
Sat 27-Aug-2011 at 00:39
this was the biggest joke. so they cut off Russ St so they could put in seating area with some redundant mural. Oh yes, its nice… if you can see it from all the garbage/crap that usually lines the street. So after this wonderful idea was installed, a group of young criminals decided this was their new hang out! Wonderful! So now from already being on edge from 6th street, I now had thugs camped daily at my front door. After I then saw them chase a man and stab him, it was definitely time to move. I blasted the city people about this….. gold star idiots. They don’t think of the consequences of their bs ‘solutions’. “oh wow, lets put in a nice mural, seats and trees and the place will be better”. Morons. the place is run by absolute morons.

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